Nearly everyone I know but who does not know me feels I am arrogant, but on the contrary, I am the humblest and most respectful man anyone can meet. I greet people first regardless of their status, I do errands that I should not do for people, and I take the dirtiest jobs in form of service yet, they still say I am disrespectful and arrogant. Why is that so? I found the answer to the foregoing question to be the fact that I do not allow people to disrespect me directly or indirectly. I deal with disrespect regardless of whom it is coming from with utmost haughtiness. I do not disrespect people first, but I do not tolerate disrespect from anyone regardless of their status and who they are to me. I let people know, regardless of what it means to them that I am Soul’e Rhymez. They do not have to love me, but they have no other choice than to respect me as much as I respect them if they must have it good with me. However, there are a lot of people who never feel respected until a per...