
Showing posts from March 19, 2017


Introduction: Learning is an aspect of life that can never be underestimated. Each person is defined by the knowledge he/she has and what he/she believe; a product of what is learnt and what is not learnt. No one is born with knowledge, we all are products of certain ideologies which we learn and accept as true, whether in religion or in tradition . Everyone is a product of what he/she chooses to learn and accept as true, thus it is very vital we learn the right things and verify if they are right. What is learning? Learning is an act in which something is learned. It is derived from the word “learn” which according to English Dictionary means: “to acquire or attempt to acquire knowledge or an ability to do something.” This proves true, because most of the things we do in life that defined our personalities are learnt either from our own experiences, that of others, in school, in religion, in tradition or in cultures. It is no gain saying to say we all are a product of w