Let ’ s start by knowing what we call Communication. COMMUNICATION As food and water is crucial to human survival, so does Communication. Communication pervades every human activity, man cannot do without it. We are engrossed in it from the time we wake up in the morning until we go back to bed in the night; from birth to death we are in perpetual state of communication. It is a phenomenon that cuts across the daily activities of human beings. In fact, the pervasive nature of communication makes it impossible for us to ever refuse to communicate as long as we are living. Hence, the axiom; “ we cannot not communicate ” comes into place. In view of the above, one will see that communication is very important to man. It is a cord that binds every part of the society together. Human activities and achievements have relationship with communication whether one expresses himself verbally or through non-verbal means, even when a man is presumed silent, he is in a way ...