Generally speaking, the prime of any woman is between ages 16 and 28. It is a time when they are superstars, and if they carry themselves well within this age range, they will attract an average of two serious wooers weekly. If any lady within this age range stays a month without a serious wooer, then she must know she has a lot of problems. Moreover, if any woman gets past this age range without attracting a life partner, it will be more difficult in subsequent ages to do so. Unfortunately, it is in this same age range that most women waste away, thinking they have all the time to waste and still, gain it back. There are two major problems that intelligent and classy ladies within this age range battle with, they are: 1. Unavailability 2. Inaccessibility Unavailability: the majority of ladies though with good manners and well-developed selves are unfortunately unavailable. At an age whe...