In this age, an age which began with the Second World War, the world suffers from lack of good, if at all, exceptional leaders. Everyone wants to be a leader and can tell most eloquently, what makes a good leader. Just move a little closer to them and you may find out they are not leaders. Many people foolishly believe it is a shame to be a follower, but it is not true, because no one can become a leader, without first being a follower. However, the world is filled with followers, but many of them never and will never develop to the ranking file of leaders, if at all, the good ones, because they are not willing to follow intelligently. The above statement confirms the fact that it takes only an intelligent follower to be an intelligent leader and efficient leader. It is a shame that the world is filled with people who do not know how to follow intelligently. It is no surprise therefore that there is a universal lack of good and exceptional leaders...