Women, in most cases, suffer loneliness than men, the reason is this: they get all the attention they do not desire or even need, but are unable to get the ones they really need and desire. In a simple language, women are lonelier, because they do not develop the habit of asking the men they love out. Majority of women, because of fear of criticism, often deny themselves happiness of being with the man they love, who in turn might love them but do not have courage to ask them out. This is why majority of women cheat. Cheating for women, in majority of cases, is because they want to be happy. Majority of women got married to the man they do not really love and as a result are lonely and unhappy, regardless of what the man is doing to make them happy – in this type of case, if they manage to get in touch with the man they really love, they are most likely to cheat. This is one reason why I stop going after a woman, after she has told me she’s dating someone, or that s...