When a topic such as gender equality is raised, the question a lot of people ask is, can women be equal to men? There have been several tussles as regard passing the bill into law in Nigeria, the most populated black nation. However, a lot of folks do not understand what Gender Equality entails. What is Gender Equality? Gender is the classification of sexes, while equality means being equal, in a nutshell; it means equal rights for the sexes. The Feminists argues it is equity and that takes us to the meaning of equity, which according to Oxford Dictionary is: 1. Fairness. 2. Principles of justice used to correct or supplement the law. 3. A value of the shares issued by a company. b (in pl.) stocks and shares not bearing fixed interest. [Latin aequitas: related to *equal]. In all of the above definitions of equity, we can only pick the first two, which is fairness and principle of justice used to correct or supplement law. It will therefore mean that the fem...