
Showing posts from September 13, 2018


SOSADM – Science of Self-Discovery And Development Masterclass, is an Online Course, which helps in self-Discovery, Self-Mastery and leads to fulfillment of purpose. It is a form of education, which is not being offered in any University in the world, yet, it is more important than all that they offer. Unavailability of this course is one major reason for the universal shortage of good leadersfrom which the world has been suffering.   Surely, any fool can gain positions, but being a good leader is different. Lack of this crucial form of education, especially in the Universities, is responsible for the debasement of mankind from the status of god, which he was made to be, to the status of animals, which he was made to control. Schools teach everything, except this: self-discovery and development, which is the most important aspect of any form of education Moreover, unavailability of this form of education, especially in Africa, explains why the blacks often look


Writer’s block is real and a lot of creative minds, not only writers, suffer from it. However, I do not suffer from it. I get inspiration to write anything I want to write, whether or not I have the required education or/and experience. So many people started projects which they are unable to complete, because they do not have the required inspiration to do so. This is writer’s block at work – they no longer receive inspiration concerning that which they started. However, writer’s block is not natural; it usually occurs because of breakage of certain spiritual principles. If you suffer from it, be sure you are your own problem. You must have caused it by harboring wrong emotions in your mind, the chief of which is FORGIVENESS. Those that withhold forgiveness, or keep grudges show great evidence that they haven’t developed themselves. Forgiveness is a spiritual aspect of self-discovery and development. Only a few things in life blocks direct inspiration from