When God made the world, he said it is beautiful, but it seems the world has become rather ugly, despite the beautiful inventions. We have refused to invest in the beauty of humanity. Only we can make the world continue to be beautiful, but for us to be able to do that we must invest in our own beauties first. Jesus Christ compared this sort of beauty to salt and light. Investing in self-beauty is one investment, which a lot of people ignore. Do not confuse this to wearing beautiful apparels and applying make-ups. It is far from it. This has nothing to do with the physical beauty of individuals. Majority of people spend all their resources on expensive apparels, jewelries and many other beauty accessories, with the belief that they make them beautiful, but while this beautifies the body, it has nothing to do with the beauty of self and humanity. The beauty of humanity begins with the development of the minds of individuals. Leaving their minds unkempt is a...