SHININING NUGGETS: Finding your edge

WOMEN WRITE NETWORK is an online young female writer's community that concerns itself with the grooming of young female writers on how to harness their writing skills as well are shed educative light on the entirety of being the female gender. WWN put up online pep talks to encourage and teach on several helpful life changing topics. This happens once or twice a week on it's Whatsapp platform. This week's guest is Ebidenyefa Tarila Nikade. She is a wife, mother, Educationist, Parenting/Teen/Sex Education counsellor, broadcast Journalist and public speaker believes in who creating platforms for young people to express themselves. Ebidenyefa who authored ‘ These Words Are Not Mine ’ a collection of poems majorly themed around womanhood, is passionate about women and children, especially the sexually abused; hence her writings are centred on such themes. She runs an anti-rape campaign #boysdontrape; #girlsarediamonds ' and Rape Victim Assistance...