See her, who men crave,
At her sight my heart is grave,
At her side I want to be saved,
but the distance takes an age.
I let my eyes this graceful sight,
I let my might thus slippery slide.
You are a mountain so high.
You are my vision,
In your eyes I found a dream,
You are my ambition,
Your kisses make me dream.
Love, they say, is blind,
but I can see you in the nights,
even in the darkest nights.
I am a knight with the weapon of love,
I wear the amour of bliss
and in my trousers are bullets of life.
Some may talk about your
seven years old fruit of love,
Here they say such causes separation,
but for me it's an ignition
that kick started my love for you.
They say you are an Inamorata,
that such women are immoral,
but I only wish your beauty is immortal,
and not be fed to worms and grasshoppers...