Tell this to my Princess, That my love for her is the purest, That for her I will climb mount Everest, Tell her the thought of her is the best, Please tell this to my Princess! Tell her that in her, I invest, Tell her she is my interest, Tell her she’s the first among the rest; that she’ll never be a dishonorable guest. Please tell this to my Princess! Tell her I know about her ordeals, That night of façade fossils, When unserenaded sperm must unsettle, but he found a home and breaks the ovum, Such that becomes my princess coven and after nine months, it was another ovum. Please tell this to my princess, That even though that was not legit, She should not stand and regret it, For God’s eyes was not blind to it Tell her she’s still my prettiest, Please tell this to my Princess! Tell her to cry no more, Tell her the storms will be over, and all her troubles shall take cover, Tell her not to be lost in thought of s...