According to The Exceptional Woman, a book written by Soul’e Rhymez, “The lives of majority of people, even with great career, money, fame and power, are in total disagreement with their purposes for living. They travel in opposite direction of the ways that leads to the fulfillment of their purposes in life. If they end that way, their lives and all they possess would have been nothing, but a waste. Such a life, with all one needs to live fine, but without purpose is best compared to a clueless traveler, who has all he needed to get to his destination, such as fuel, good vehicle, enough choices of food, and the right people to accompany him on his journey, but does not know his destination. Everything he has would have been a waste, because he won’t get to his destination, he will just be moving, because he needs to move, in the end, it would have been better not to have traveled (being born) at all.” Think about this, and examine yourself, then you may find out, if ...