Last week, I apologized that I won’t be able to share the copy of “HOW WE BECAME NARCISSISTS” as promised, due to mental drain. I shifted it to this week, but it looking like, to have the best as promised, it is not going to be released this week any longer. I resumed work today after I bounced back from my mental unstableness and more research, made me realized I need even more researches, to complete the whole article, which has already, 15 pages. This might take weeks of other rounds of researches, extensively and intensively and hereby worth waiting for. Dishing out half-baked works, which I won’t be able to defend will be a great disservice to those who believe and make living through the brand: Soul’e Rhymez, so I need to always give the best that there is. Also, I have ruled out the unspoken decision to give it out free, the article will cost only N 1000 on release. Why should you buy an article for N 1000, especially when it is coming from me? Well,...