“How We Became Narcissists” is a piece of research work by one of African finest writers and philosophers, Soul’e Rhymez, who saw the need to address narcissism, a pathological personality disorder, which is now a universal affliction with which all mankind has been caused. In this piece of work, the major cause of narcissism, from which other causes are originated, is described as,ignorance on the subject of love and right application of it, which is also as old as mankind. The author, being once a narcissist and the first man to rightfully define love; provided the best solution anyone can find, to this universal affliction, as no other philosopher of this age has been able to do. He attributes widespread corruption, relationship problems, and other forms of wicked acts that now dominate the world, to narcissism, as a major cause. He also stated, with enough proofs, that feminism is another product of narcissism, grandsons of which are, sex addiction, sex crime, drug ...