(An online lecture delivered by Titilola Oluwafunmilola Owolabi) Venue: Blessed Army whatsApp group Titilola: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, As stated earlier, my name is Titilola Oluwafunmilola Owolabi and the topic we will discuss tonight is, The Power of Kindness. This discussion will be interactive please. I want to learn from you too. Thank you. Kindness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, but innate in every one of us is the tendency to be selfish and self-centered, which often prevents us from showing kindness. What do we mean by kindness? How do I exhibit kindness? My time and resources are limited, I have a very busy life, I wake up by 4am to leave home by 5am and return by 10pm, how can I show kindness? Let's start by defining power and kindness. When we know what it entails, then we can know what we need to do about it. Power: ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something. Kindness: the quality of being friendly, generous, an...