NEITHER HUMAN NOR A PROPHET Talking about Jesus Christ, the first thing that comes to mind is Christianity, a religion, but Jesus came for the secular world and he didn’t establish any religion. Jesus is a necessity for the world not to be limited any religion however; the religions have limited him to themselves and to others alone. Some call him human being, some say he's a prophet, all in support of their religious believes, but none of these truly define Jesus. There is a general believe in the Christendom that Jesus was 100% God; 100% Man, That's a very wrong school of thought. I’ve heard people say they saw Jesus in their dreams; a very handsome White-man in white robe, that’s always the picture, if most of them had seen an ugly black man in black robes; they would have said they saw the devil even though he reveals the mind of God. If it was true they saw Jesus then it was God trying to speak to them using what they believe Jesus to be and that testifies to...