One of the greatest pieces of evidence of self-discovery and development is faith in love. However, many of us are either trained not to have faith in love or learn to survive against all concerned because of parental negligence. This survival instinct makes us go through life concentrating on hate. Most of us grow up in environments where we are constantly reminded that we are not good enough; as time went on, those words found their way into our subconscious minds and we are constantly pushed by them. We grow to have more faith in hate and rejection than in love and acceptance. We believe that everyone hates us or they must do so before they love us and concentrate on proving points to them. By concentrating on hate, we are also blinded by people who love us and repel them by our actions that further lead to hate. Our faith in hate sometimes inspires us to glorious endeavors, but it is always at the expense of true happiness that comes with having a successful love life. By concentra...