One of the great lessons that will be taught in SOSADM is how to overcome the seventh basic evil. In this you will be introduced to one of his sons, and perhaps the most dangerous of them all – ENVY. Envy is a subtle enemy from which a lot of people suffer, without knowing it. It is difficult to admit having it or begin to work on it, because it is not in the conscious mind, it hides itself in the subconscious mind of people, where it controls them. Envy is the world’s most dangerous emotion. As a proof of this statement, it induced the first murder ever recorded in the history of mankind – the case of Cane and Abel in the Bible. The most dangerous set of people are people who combine low self-esteem with envy. The mixture of these two is a weapon of mass destruction. However, people who suffer from it do not know they suffer from it. Envy naturally puts people in unhealthy rivalry with those they envy. In reality, these people may be their best friends who ...