I AM MY OWN PROPHET I am my own prophet, a vision no one has seen, I am my own forerunner, no one to tell of my coming or prepare the way for me. I am a mystery too hard for people to unveil, I am the future that astrologers can not see, I am a prophecy that no prophet ever prophesied, I am the greatness that was never recorded. I am the mistake of a poor woman but I require a greater stake. I am the mountain on which people can see clearly, I am the land containing silver and gold, I am the valley that flows with water for the thirsty. I am the rare gem among ordinary stones, The pride of my race but now the black sheep of my family, I am the solution that comes in form of pollution, I am the tattered book full of life's treasures. Such claims gets minds mad but my mind wouldn't have conceived what I can ’ t achieve. Such verdicts they don't understand, their sights are clear ...