From research and study of hundreds of people in the past four years, I have discovered that the majority of people wish their exes and those that rejected them bad. Moreover, they seem to always have a lot to prove to them. In majority of instances, the successes of their exes make them feel like failures. I often see many intended to be funny, but stupid jokes about hurting ones ex, just to prove one can do well without them and that they made mistakes leaving them. These jokes actually explain the exact state of mind of the majority of people. Oftentimes I see people who have sworn never come into terms with their exes; they see them as enemies and never want to have anything to do with them, no matter how little. This sort of decision makes me question their sanity. Why do people often see their exes as their enemies? The answer is obvious, to create alibis for their unwillingness to work on their own weaknesses, which their exes' misfortunes will he...