Generally speaking, the prime of any woman is between ages 16 and 28.
It is a time when they are superstars, and if they carry themselves well within this age range, they will attract an average of two serious wooers weekly.

If any lady within this age range stays a month without a serious wooer, then she must know she has a lot of problems. Moreover, if any woman gets past this age range without attracting a life partner, it will be more difficult in subsequent ages to do so.

Unfortunately, it is in this same age range that most women waste away, thinking they have all the time to waste and still, gain it back. There are two major problems that intelligent and classy ladies within this age range battle with, they are:
1.       Unavailability
2.       Inaccessibility

Unavailability: the majority of ladies though with good manners and well-developed selves are unfortunately unavailable. At an age when they should be available to locate the right men, they are still being monitored by their parents. They are locked in the house and some have grown to love staying indoors. They expect the husband to fly down from heaven.

There is a saying that men are moved by what they see, so no matter how excellent a lady is, even without flaws, if she is not available, no one will come for her. She may grow old in her parents’ home and later beg men to marry her, even with her good qualities. I have seen a handful of examples of this.

The majority of young and intelligent ladies confuse being unavailable to being classy, whereas, the reverse is almost the truth. Making yourself unavailable could only earn you a reputation of a naughty slut, and it often does. With that, you are more susceptible to gang rape.

Inaccessibility: while the majority of young ladies do not make themselves available, some of them complicate their issues by being inaccessible. They do because they feel it will earn them respect, but the reverse is the truth.

For them, being inaccessible, at least, to some men they consider below per, based on their myopic measures, is being classy, but in reality, it is not.
In order to prove this, many young women do not relate with people on their street, even those with whom they live in the same compound.

Some even go to church and do not join any group, just to avoid being accessible by the church members, whom they feel are not as classy as they are. Many of them cut off conversations with other men and treat them like trashes, once they are in a relationship, and this makes it difficult for them to cope if the relationship breaks up. They are just unwise.

Being unavailable and inaccessible is not and will never be the same as being classy! Iphones are classy phones, just like many other classy brands, but they are available and accessible in the market.  Nobody will know about them or buy them if they are not available. Moreover, the difference between iPhone and many other phones is just branding, and nothing more.

If you think you are too classy to relate with people in your compound, your street, church, and faculty in school, you are only being unrealistic and by doing so, missing out on valuable and life-changing networking opportunities with great people, who might appear too ordinary for you to recognize.

Remember, no one makes a good product and keeps it in the corner of his room.
If the product is good enough, it has to be branded, made available, and accessible to the consumers.
There is no use to your so-called classiness, if you are not available and accessible.

However, in order to help good ladies like you get into the right relationships without losing their classiness and values, ART OF PERSONAL BRANDING (For Females Interested in Serious relationship) has been birthed.

It is an online course which will not only help you avoid men who may ruin your reputation by claiming to have slept with you when they did not, and other forms of blackmail, it will also help you attract only the right men.

For more information on this course, kindly call or Chat Stephen on 08163800077.

Thank you.


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