When I was growing up, the first quote I grew to know goes thus "Great men are ordinary men with extraordinary achievements".
It was written on the wall of our classroom, I did not know who wrote it, not even the author, but I loved it.

Later on I began to analyze the quote, the word extraordinary looks so big, but this is achieved by mere ordinary men. This means those that achieve extraordinary things are just men like you and I, they are not super humans.

In my write-up about fear of criticism, I wrote about Mohammed's extraordinary achievements and how he found Islam, but someone argued with me, saying he is not ordinary man, that he's higher human being. That was only coming from religious bigotry. Mohammed was no higher human being, he was like every other person, but his achievements stood him out.

Since Mohammed was human, nothing makes him higher human. There is no such word as higher human being, you are either human being or not. The difference is that he achieved something out of the ordinary and that makes him extraordinary.

Every great achiever who has attained the status of god to their followers is the same. They are no higher human beings, they are just ordinary people doing extraordinary things and that in turn makes them extraordinary men. Take away their achievements, they become just as ordinary as every man.

Like I said, the word "extraordinary" look so big that we want to be associated with it, but not many of us is willing to give what it takes, even though it takes only "extra".
Remove "extra" from extraordinary; then it becomes "ordinary".

To be extraordinary only take you to add the extra when everyone do the ordinary and stop. Every extraordinary achievement comes in no other way, but by doing the "extra”  when the ordinary fails or is not enough.

When everyone gives up, people who will achieve extraordinary achievement push on,
They take decisions when everyone is scared to,
They withstand criticisms,
They are creative and wouldn't stop after many signs of failures. These help them achieve the extraordinary and they are seen to people as extraordinary.

Do you want to be extraordinary?
Below are a few tips.

Don't give up when others do, regardless of the odds against you, follow your internal conviction of success, regardless of how many times you fail.

Never be indecisive, in the name of "I am still thinking about it" Men who achieve extraordinary things are men that decide when others are still thinking of what to do.

Be true to yourself: men who became extraordinary have this too; this is why most of them are thought to be insane at one time or the other in their lives. They do not care what people say, they are true to themselves and real.

Become extraordinary today!

Written by Soul'e Rhymez
Poet & Public Speaker, based in Lagos State.

For questions, invitation for lectures/seminars, call: +2348163800077.

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