If fear of
criticism prevents you from doing what you should do, you will never become
exceptional in your endeavors; and you might perhaps never achieve anything
worth celebrating.
The above statement
is so true that record has shown that those that refuse to do what they have to
do because of what people might say remains average all their lives. No one can
count the number of people who have gone down as failures due to this, but we
can point to several people who have defied the fear of criticism to do what
they have to do and have their name written indelibly in the history book.
The fear of
criticism has left a lot of people failures and if you check it, you might just
find out you are one of them.
If you find out you
avoid making decisions simply because people will criticize you, then you are
one of them, who are going to end up as average in life if fear is not taken. It
means you only want to be in people’s good books by doing only those things
that makes sense to them. This just proves this saying right: “if
you try to make sense to people every time, you might end up not making a
single sense with your life. “
Being able to move
on amidst criticism is the major reason why those that achieve exceptional
successes in life did so and have been confused for mad people at one time or
the other in their lives. Check the record. They never let the fear of
criticism stop them from achieving their aims in life. This makes them looks
mad, rebellious, arrogant and obstinate to people.
Let us look at the
story of Mohammed, who is regarded by his followers as the last great prophet.
Mohammed was a
prophet, but he never performed a miracle, he was not a mystic and had no
formal schooling, he didn’t even begin his mission until he was 40. When he
announced that he was the messenger of God bringing the word of the true
religion, he was ridiculed and labeled a lunatic, worst of all, he was banished
from his native city, Mecca and his followers were stripped off their worldly
goods and sent into the desert with him.
He preached for 10
years, with only banishment, ridicule and poverty to show for it, but before
another 10 years had passed, he was the dictator of all Arabian, Ruler of Mecca
and the Ruler of the new world religion.
Despite all the odds
against him, Mohammed moved on, one thing worked for him: his ability to move
on amidst criticisms, which led him to being banished and left him to befriend
poverty in the desert.
This quality inspired
his persistence and other qualities that gave birth to what we now know as
No doubt, Islam is
one of the most practiced religions in the world today, whether it be of God or
not is not the question here, the question is: how did a religion formed by a prophet
who never performed any miracle, and was without formal education gained large
followership across the world and it is practiced by men of great education and
wealth, who are willing to use their wealth to support the course of its tenets?
I tell you the
truth, Islam would not have become a possibility and Mohammed’s name would not
have been known if he had given up due to the fear of criticism.
The principles of
success are always the same, they are no respecter of persons; anyone who taps
into them succeeds, regardless of their motives. This is why Mohamed gained so
much power, regardless of what people think of him. These principles remain unchanged
and will not change because of anyone.
However something
was responsible for Mohamed’s ability to withstand all odds against him and
achieve his aim; this thing is what those who give up before starting, because
of the fear of being criticized do not have.
It is: stronger
believe in internal conviction than in popular opinions and oppositions. This
proves Napoleon Hill right to say “if
your fear of criticism is stronger than your desire to succeed, you will never
Many of us remain
ordinary because let go a lot of ideas beautiful ideas given to us by infinite intelligence
due to fear of criticism. We are ignorant of the fact that those that criticize
us at first will always come back to be our staunchest supporters once they
find out we are right to ignore their opinions, except they want to remain
adamant and never let go their ego.
Mohammed’s believe
in his internal conviction ahead of popular opinion is evident here today and
if you are a Muslim, it won’t be hard for you to relate with this fact.
Did you drop that
beautiful idea because of what people might think of you? Go back and pick it
I tell you, if you
are approved by people at all time, you will never become exceptional; you will
only live your life trying to make sense to a section of people and always
remain under their influence.
To be exceptional,
you have to defy fear of criticism.
Believe in your
internal conviction; for whatsoever you can conceive, you can achieve.
If Mohammed could become
the leader of one of the most practiced religion in the world, without formal
education or a single miracle, then you can do better.
Be the best!
Written by Soul’e
Poet & Public
Speaker, based in Lagos, Nigeria.
For invitation to Seminars
or for Questions, call +2348163800077 or send email to soulerhymez@gmail.com
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