Just before I decided to redefine education, I got admission on merit to study English Language in Unilag.
Getting this admission was to me and to people around me a remarkable achievement before I learnt otherwise.

I got it when everyone seemed to believe it took only those that are connected to get it. I was just an unconnected chap from Kogi State, I knew no one in Unilag and that administration was what took me to the school for the very first time.

Being a native of Kogi State reduced my chances of ever securing admission in the acclaimed prestigious school, because Kogi is not their catchment area, but I got it. A lot of people have tried and failed, blaming the school for their failures, some wouldn't even try, because it was too tall a dream for them.

In a similar manner, a few months ago I joined, an online donating platform, I made more than an #100, 000 from it within a month of joining, but a few months later, the earnings stopped. My downlines gave up, because they couldn't get downlines, the person that brought me in too gave up and I was left alone.

In the course of it, MMM, a Ponzi scheme froze; this puts fear into people and regardless of how hard I tried to convince them, they wouldn't join, because they didn't want to lose their monies. It was a situation that warranted I gave up, but that's not me, I don't get down like that, I understood one thing: the system has not failed, the possibility of making money from It still avail.

Most of the people I told later on condemned it, most of them saying, "It is a scam, it doesn't pay, I have registered for months now and no penny."
Some will even refer to their friend's experience, but there is one thing they don't know: their failure does not make the system faulty.

In this same, some made millions and made millions for others too. I heard of someone who will register multiple accounts for people and get commission for helping them to get downlines. They made all made money and it still goes on, people still earn, I still earn, even though sparingly due to my downlines who gave up at the first or second signs of defeat and went ahead blaming both myself and the system.

Look up to the two stories above, if I had failed to secure admission into Unilag, I could have gone ahead and blame the school system saying, "They are biased, they didn't offer me admission because I was from Kogi State." Everyone would have believed me, they would have learnt from the experience not to attempt it too, but does it change the reputation of the school?

Likewise all my downlines that gave up and many others who could not make money on iCharity.Club, due to their inability to get downlines and lack of proper knowledge of it, will go around telling people. "Don’t join, if you don't want to lose your money, that thing does not pay" this must be contributing reason why to the making money from the platform has become very difficult, but does it make the system faulty?

I checked the website lately, nothing has changed, the plan has always remained the same, unlike many Ponzi schemes that exist for a few days and crash, the site hasn't crashed for once and it has been in existence since 2015.
This means, whosoever fails in it failed because of their own inadequacies not because the system is faulty.

I do not want to go deep into this, but as trivial as it might look to you, it is one of the problems we face in this country and Africa as a whole.
We often believe that our failure to succeed means failure of the system.
We trade blames, putting it on the system and people, just like many of my downlines now believe I duped them, but they are a product of their own inadequacies.

Until we begin to take responsibility for our failures and work on their causes rather than trade blames, we will never become really successful in anything worthwhile.
Most of the youths, who graduated and didn't find any job blame the government for their predicaments, but it seem not one of them will put the blame on themselves as the reason why they failed. This mentality is crippling and it is the reason why the youths decline.

You couldn't define the course of your life; you went to school to study an irrelevant course, just to become a graduate in a particular school, why should you blame the government for your inability to get a job?
You acquired the wrong type of education due to your inability to make decisions, so how is the government to blame?

Are there not youths creating jobs?
Most of them are not even as educated as you think you are, but here you are, blaming the government and you think because you fail, the government has failed. That's not true!
Your failure is your decision and until you are able to see yourself as your own problem, analyze the reasons why you fail and get to work on them, you will never succeed.
However, you won't be the first, we have a lot of useless youths out there; you can join them too.

Take responsibility of your failures today, then you will be set out for success.
I tell you the truth, if you are unwilling to be responsible for your failures and work on them, you will never be responsible for any success.

Change your thinking; change your life!

Written by Soul'e Rhymez
A Poet & Public Speaker, based in Lagos Nigeria.
For Questions or to invite him for an event as a Speaker, kindly call +2348163800077 or send email to

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