A lot has been said about love and jealousy, most people believe that without jealousy, there is no love, however, a lot of people out of jealousy have injured their partners, who they claim to love so much.
I have heard of and read of several acts of jealousy in relationships and I could only ask if jealousy actually depicts love.

There are cases where suspected rivals are murdered, all in the name of jealousy.
Some people even cause their partners bodily harm and death, claiming it is love and I wonder if loving your partner makes you want to hurt them or otherwise.

Does jealousy actually mean you love someone?
What is the relationship between love and jealousy?

According to THE IMAGE OF GOD, a book written by Soul’e Rhymez, jealousy is not an attribute of love; it is rather an attribute of Selfishness, which is derived from pride.

This is how it flows:

In the illustration above, it is obvious that jealousy is an attribute of love.
According to Soul’e Rhymez, in his book, Pride is defined as essence of existence, from it comes selfishness, an attribute which makes us to like and takes care of ourselves, abuse of which are stinginess, greediness and self-centeredness.
From selfishness, is jealous, which according to Oxford dictionary means,
1 resentful of rivalry in love.
2 (often foll. by of) envious (of a person etc.).
3 (often foll. by of) fiercely protective (of rights etc.).
4 (of God) intolerant of disloyalty.
5 (of inquiry, supervision, etc.) vigilant.  Jealously adv. [medieval Latin zelosus: related to *zeal].

I must categorically tell you that the Dictionary makers are only trying to justify the meaning of jealousy basedon what they have seen people do.
Their first definition proves me right, that’s not the definition of jealous; it is actually a product of jealousy.
The same goes with their second and fifth definitions too.
They only got close to the meaning in their third definition and almost close in their fourth.

Jealousy has nothing to do with envy, they are not the same; I have seen people make this mistake often times.
Jealousy is not bad until it is abused, envy is a bad trait but it also can produce good result, if rightly used.
So what is the definition of jealousy?
Jealousy is the zeal to protect what belongs to you, while envy is craving for what others have.
Could you see the difference now?

Now, let us trace it back to the illustration above.
Pride is essence of existence; selfishness is the act taking care of yourself, while jealousy is zeal to protect what belongs to you.
Now, let us connect them to relationship.
Out of pride and bragging right, a partner is chosen, out of selfishness, you don’t want to share them with anyone and out of jealousy; you want to protect them to yourself alone.
Where is the place of love in the above explanation?
But does it mean jealousy does not have anything to do with love?
Let’s check it out.

Like I mentioned earlier, partners are chosen out of pride, what I call Pride of Ownership, rather than love.
If not, why will you want to hurt the person you love in the name of jealousy?
Does love delight in hurting people?
Why is it so hard to forgive your partner if you find out they have been cheating on you?
Does love not forgive any longer?

The truth is, when it comes to dating and even marriage, pride of ownership comes before love, thus to keep the love going, the pride of ownership must be respected by the parties involved.
Failure to do this takes the love away, because it is the pride derived from ownership of you that precedes the love.Therefore if the pride is abused or neglected, the love disappears instantly and this is why it is easy to hurt your partner out of jealousy, you are simply not acting out of love, but out of the frustration of your pride of ownership which is disrespected and the loyalty which is traded.

For the above reason, it is very hard to be in love with someone and not feel jealous when it seems they want to be taken away from you. This feeling is not directly out of love, but out of Pride of Ownership which precedes the love.
On a very rare occasion, it is possible to love someone and not feel jealous, but that would have meant the person love you, but does not consider you his/hers.

Is jealousy the right measure of love?
No, but we can connect it since pride of ownership can also enhance love.

Thanks for reading; I am Soul’e Rhymez, the World’s Finest Thinker.

For more solutions on your relationship and other psychological issues call Soul'e Rhymez on: +2348163800077

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