According to 1 Timothy 6: 10, “the love of money is the root of all evil…”but if money making becomes a shameful act, that you can’t dare attempt it, then you will always remain poor, expecting God to rain down money for you. How do we connect these two contradicting statements?

Neither of the statements is wrong, it just requires you to see the difference. However, I like to say here that it is not the love of money that is the root of all evil, but the lust (uncontrollable desire) for it.A lot of people have used the scripture as their excuse to remain poor, but God is not responsible for theirignorance and won’tcommendthem for it.

In my quest to berich and also bring people along, I have realized that even if wealth is free of all efforts, some people will still choose to remain poor. This decision to be poor is as a result of certain ignoranceand lack of understanding of the above quoted scripture, which inspires their lack of desire to make money.

I have learnt and understood that “money comes to only those who have the burning desire to make it and do not shy away from doing what it takes to have it.” This liberated me from poverty mentality and now, my desire to be super rich supersedes every other desire, at least for now. You think that’s evil? Below are my reasons my reasons.

I grew up in a very financially humbled home, I missed a lot in life due to this, my education was slow and plagued with lack of fund, even though I had no power over that; I have power over my present and future.
By God’s grace, I am exceptionally intelligent, I have great vision and ideas that can change the world and only some cash will help lunch me to the world. This money wasn’t coming and that’s more frustrating than anything else in the world.

My super intelligence is just like another name, no respect. I have experienced the worst in the hands of the female folk due to lack of money, a lady I once asked out said “he’s ugly and poor; I do not want a guy like that”. She’s right, even though I am not ugly; I know poverty makes one look ugly. I have seen more rejections, despite my God given great wisdom and intelligence, simply because I do not have money.

I was tired of all of these and my desire for money making was fired up. Lately, when I went for my last Public Speaking event this year, which I went with my epileptic phone, I couldn’t exchange contact using my phone, simply because the battery might fall off, that’s just how bad it was. I was a bad financial example to my audience and from there; I decided I must be super rich.

When ICharity Club came on board, all I saw was an opportunitybe rich quicker than I ever imagined. Without ICharity Club, I will still be rich, but it came as a test of my desire backed with faith to be rich and I didn’t waste time tapping into it.

I have bought a new phone just within two weeks of joining, without having to sell the other one and also have changed most of my outfits, and personal effects which I know speak about my personality. I also have a goal to be some millions of naira richer by next year, whether with ICharity Club or not. No frauds, no swindling. Don’t believe it, just watch it happen.

A lot of people seem to be comfortable with poverty; they don’t have the slightest desire to make money, yet wants to be rich. They expect God to rain down money from heaven; they are just comfortable depending on people for money.Most of the ladies too prefer to sleep around for money than to talk to people about an opportunity that will make both of them rich.

I have made up my mind to be the richest writer in the world and if ICharity and the likes, makes this dreams come to reality faster than I thought, why should I not tap into it?
Some of the people already traced the creation of ICharity Club to me, because of the way I promote it with my write-ups;I love it, because it talks about my desire backed with faith to be rich.

I once said that,“lately, there has been a lot of new ideas of making money, which is aimed at bringing people to virtually the same level; bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. But only people who have the desire backed with faith to be rich; whose minds are open to these ideas will partake in them.” If you the desire to be legitimately rich as fast as possible, kindly contact me on: +2348163800077 and lets discuss some of these ideas and be rich together.

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Written by Soul’e Rhymez


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