For instance, if on Facebook, 55% of their pictures are selfies
and their updates are about them, things they do and how they feel and they
feel bad when people don’t like, comment or share them.
They rarely like, comment or share other people’s personal
pictures and updates, even when you like and comment on theirs, except you are
very close to them.
They always complain of tags and mentions; they prevent you from
pasting on their walls and might never thank you for commenting on their
They ignore messages from people after looking at their profile
pictures and find out they have nothing to gain from them.
They unfriend or block the person that keeps tagging them on
pictures and updates that they feel they don’t want, regardless of how good
they are; they often complain of too much notifications.
They get annoyed if they have about 100 notifications and only
few were as a result of comment, likes on their updates.
If on whatsApp and you add them to a group, they leave almost
immediately if they don’t know anyone there and leave even faster if messages
are much and none seem to recognize them.
If they talk in groups, they only complain of how things affect
them, but they rarely commend anything excellently done by others, they also might
never contribute to benefit others. They often use “I” and “some of us” in
their statements.
If you send them message and they discover it’s a broadcast,
they won’t respond to you, they won’t share and might tell you to stop sending
them messages, delete your number or block you to prevent them from getting
your messages. If they must share any message sent to them, then it will be
because they personally like it and are in a very happy mood at the moment.
They change their DP or profile pictures too often and rarely
use someone else picture, except the person is their spouse, unknown picture with
person or quote which they like or a family member.
If you find out you do any
of the above things, you might do it for other reasons but there is no doubt
self-centeredness is one of the reasons. It’s always in the
subconscious mind. Self-centeredness is a very big problem to the world, many
only care about how they feel alone without giving a damn about how others feel
and this is why the world is getting worse by the day. When your life is
all about you; how you feel, what you want and how you want things done alone,
then you are ungodly and a problem to yourself as much as you are to everyone
else. Please always try to take a break from yourself to focus on how the other
person feels. The worst life to live, after not accepting Jesus Christ as your
lord is a life that is all about you; a self-centered life.
Written by Soul'e
WhatsApp (+2348163800077)
© 2016
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