As long as life exists, there always will be people that look beautiful and those that look ugly – I, fortunately, belong to the latter. I grew up getting the worst treatments because of how I looked. Nobody liked me; I had a not-well shaped head and big lips – I was nicknamed ridiculously based on my look. It was hard growing up simply because I looked ugly. My secondary school days were the worst of my days with bullies, both physically and verbally – many people bullied me because they did not like how I looked. I got back from school daily having another bully story to tell. Talk about the girls, I was a complete outcast. I always feared that girls would never like me. When I got to sss2, my fear became a reality; I fell in love with one girl named Esther who joined us in sss2. She appeared to possess all I wanted in a woman, and being one goal-getter, I went for her despite I knew that the odds of getting her were very slim. She was a queen and I was the ...