I need a meager sum of 100 million naira! You could say I am crazy, of course you will be right. I am crazy to say 100 million naira is meager, especially now that I don’t have it. A few months ago during a youth meeting in my local church, I made a similar statement saying, 50 million naira was not enough to execute a project I had at hand and they all said I was only dreaming. At that time, I couldn’t boast of 5 thousand of my own, yet I said 50 million naira was not enough. Sometime towards the end of 2016, I sent a message out that I have an idea worth billions of dollars and needed people to invest a few millions in it. Quite a lot of people might think I was crazy, perhaps that’s why it was not taken serious anyways, but that is the truth, and for this reason, I am here again. Maybe I wasn’t taken serious because I didn’t include the exact amount that I need to bring to life, this billions of dollars idea, but I must tell you, 100 million naira will be a fai...