I am a FISH My fins are fresh and salty I swim with gills to the hills I am one of those Tilapia's. One of those amphibians that seeks succor from the river. If oil spoils the river, It concerns me I am a fish. Swamps and river-depths are ways, I brace the bond i had with living. It concerns me, I am a fish If menses overflows from the creeks and tree ceases to grow. If backyards and farmlands drinks portable malnutrition. It concerns me, I am a fish. Because I live in the pines of the river. Then we had good riverbanks with aquatic deposits Then we had oil not as hueless as this oil I am a fish it concerns me, Annihilation is all I scents Isoboye Danagogo.. D learning Poet.. 3.41pm...9.6.15