
Showing posts from December 6, 2016


Introduction: Talking about potential, we must define it and understand its origin. According to Oxford Dictionary, potential is defined as: 1. Capacity for use or development. 2. Usable resources. 3. Physics quantity determining the energy of mass in a gravitational field or of charge in an electric field. All of these definitions are correct, but the one that best fit for now is number 2; which is “usable resources”. In high school, we were taught that potential energy is energy at rest, while kinetic energy is energy in motion; this goes a long way to fortify the definition of potential as stated above. Potential is simply resources available for use. Origin of Potential: The word potential is derived from the word “potent”. According to Oxford Dictionary, potent is: 1. Powerful; strong. 2. (Of a reason) cogent; forceful. 3. (Of a male) capable of sexual erection or orgasm. All of these definitions are correct; potent also means “being capable” ...