A lot of people believe that they are useless without money, but not me! Money is useless without me. It will be a tragedy to admit that I am useless without money. It will be an insult to God, but many people have no problem with insulting God by admitting to being useless without money. Human beings were created by God, but money is a scrap of paper created by human beings. Admitting to being useless without money is like God admitting to being useless without human beings. Without human beings, God existed; if human beings cease to exist, he still will exist. So he cannot be useless without human beings. The foregoing analogy is the reason why I cannot be convinced to believe that I am useless without money. I do not accept disrespect from anyone just because I am temporarily broke. You can consider yourself useless because you are broke and disrespect yourself, but do not bring that to me! It does not matter who you are; if you bring it to me, I will mess you up. Money...