Many people believe that graduating from the university makes them superior to others who dropped out or did not become students there at all. Although the Government makes it appear so for job allocation, it is not true! Believing it may keep you in mediocrity for life.   


When I hear statements such as “a whole graduate with Driving Dangote,” I understand why many graduates are unemployed and eventually take to crimes. These folks believe that becoming graduates make them more educated than others and they do not want to stoop low to do certain jobs that they think only the “uneducated” should do.


Many of these folks who cannot even practice what they studied in school have an entitlement mentality that keeps them out of jobs for a long time and renders them useless to themselves and society. It is not always that there are no jobs, it is usually that there are jobs that they feel too big to do because they are graduates.


If you think that merely graduating from the university and possessing the certificate makes you superior or more educated than others that do not graduate or have the certificate, you are most likely never to like or support my works, even this one. You can stop reading now to save yourself some heartaches.  


If you are one such person, no matter how humble I am, I will always appear proud to you because not only are my works great, I know and also say it, hereby making it clear that I do not need school’s approval to become who I am. My works will always threaten you to a rivalry with me even while I do not even know about your existence.


My works and personality are a lot of a problem for people that build their lives on the faulty knowledge that becoming a graduate of a recognized higher institution and possessing university certificates make them superior to others who do not have them. I have faced more opposition for dropping out of school than for any other reason.


There is nothing new about me leaving the university to pursue my kind of education – it is not significant, but there is something new & significant about my decision to not accept the “uneducated” tag and disrespect commonly wished upon those that drop out of school for whatever reason they did. My stance is unusually intimidating!


Most people that oppose me are those whose lives are built on the faulty belief that dropping out of tertiary institution is dropping out of education and they do not wish to be convinced otherwise because of their insatiable search for bragging rights.


The fact that I have published 11 quality books that are now positively impacting the lives of people from different parts of the world is intimidating to anyone that thinks that mere possession of a university certificate means superiority in education.  My accomplishments, however insignificant I consider them make a mess of the belief that university graduates are educationally superior to non-graduates.


Merely imagining that a person who did not acquire his education in any known university authors 11 books and gains international recognition in the process is mentally stressful and insulting to those that think being a university graduate makes them more educated. It brings back to mind, the yet unanswered question – where is the proof of your education? Just the certificates?


If you want to succeed in Nigeria as a certified graduate of a recognized tertiary institution and have a significant edge over people like me that pursued their education outside them, you must perish the thought that you are superior to, and more educated than non-graduates. If you are educated at all, it is to produce results, not to brag about certificates. Without producing results to justify your certification, you are just another schooled idiot. Focus on producing results, it is what will make you superior in the end.


If my results show that I am more educated, then your certificates are useless. Admit it and get yourself the right education. Certificates can stop you from becoming educated and it does. Certificates are to prove that you are good at what you studied and can work with it, otherwise, they are useless. Do not be deceived by your certificates; get to work and build your life in the right order; doing things (jobs, not crimes) that you have passion for regardless of your certificate.


Any society that prioritizes certificates over ability will always be backward. Nigeria is a distasteful example of such a society. Getting certified for something you do not know how to do is an express route to mediocrity – it may get you a  job, but it will not get you life.


My name is Soul’e Rhymez. I am a Lagos-based Public (Motivational) Speaker, Love-life Coach & author based in Lagos.

You can reach out to me on WhatsApp (+2348163800077) or send me an email at



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