Some of you are too weak; you love playing the victim. Organizing pity parties is your thing. But you know what? Life is going to continually box you to a corner and hammer you down to mediocrity. You can complain as you want but life does not respond to complaints, it responds only to prices.


Life does not respond to luck, so don't ever think you'd be lucky. If there is any phenomenon such as luck, be sure he does not attend pity party too. You have got to be strong! You have got to give it all it takes. You have got to keep trying, and if you fail, go at it again. Life will eventually get tired and give you what you want. Life loves strong people and rewards them but only after testing their strengths. If you are weak, you will not be rewarded.


I am one hell of a guy who has refused to let life box me to a corner. Everyone knows that I am a fighter! I have stood alone more times in my life than with people and no crowd has won against me. I always believe that everyone can be wrong and I can be right. The crowd never wins and they will not.


I may be a product of God's supremacy, but it takes a strong person to be me. It is easy to be Tolu, but it is harder to be SOUL'E RHYMEZ. If you can take my dreams, you can NEVER break my spirit. I don't organize a pity party, I don't attend one too. You've got to be like me!


I am now an author of several books read in different parts of the world, but it was not easy to get here. I paid the price demanded and still paying. My first book was horrible - filled with grammatical errors, and errors of omission because I did not have money to employ an editor. That is now a story.


Not only do I now have editors, but I have also a publishing firm where other authors get published. It was not easy. I thought my first bad book would be the end of my career as an author, but I was persistent. I got better. For years I was not making money from writing, but I kept writing. Now, the story is not all the same as it was. But I was not lucky. I paid the price demanded!


Paying the full price demanded to get what they want is a common practice for champions and that's why they always win. Losers have a different opinion; they always depend on luck and good fortunes, and that's why they always lose.


An athlete that wants to win knows that training hard and staying in shape is the price to pay. Go and ask Cristiano Ronaldo, he is not lucky to be up there, he always paid the price demanded. Only losers want something so hard and try to evade paying the price. They think they are wise, but they are the most foolish. Many of you are like that.


You must start thinking like a champion. I once used all the money I had to register for a course without anything to eat. I was willing to beg for food just to develop myself and in the end, the course did not serve my purpose. I did not stop, I kept paying the prices for what I wanted until got the right thing done.  that's what champions do. BE A CHAMPION!


I am Soul'e Rhymez, a Philosopher & Author.

You can talk to me concerning your relationship issues.


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