As I grow in the realm of self-discovery and development, I understand more why it is hard for a lot of people to maintain their developed nature. A lot of people, no matter how much of self-discovery and development courses they have taken, their behaviors and responses to offenses or what looks like them never show that they are developed.

Self-development is not a one-off thing; it is not even about the acquisition of the certificate,  it is an acquisition that must be a part of you– you must constantly aim to live above your default nature every second of the day.

 A lot of people may have been wondering why certain people, especially in the realm of religion do the exact opposite of the tenets of their religion and defend their faults as time goes on. The reason is simple – human nature does not automatically develop; it requires conscious and continuous efforts.

Some so-called Spirit-filled Christians often behave in such ways that make you doubt the entity called Holy Spirit. Many of these people foolishly believe that the Holy Spirit will automatically develop them. The result has always been the exact opposite.

The Holy Spirit operates with people’s wills and choices in connection with how developed they are. He suggests and does not force people to do things. Those who constantly adhere to the whispering suggestions of the Holy Spirit are well-developed people.

If you choose to maintain and defend your default nature, you will have a great difficulty adhering to the suggestions of the Holy Spirit, but that does not mean He is not in you. Just as you have too many potentials that are never put to use, the Holy Spirit can be one of them.

The default nature of human beings is always receptive to destructive suggestions and may never attract constructive suggestions. The reason is that destructive suggestions are by their natures bold and ruthless. They invade the minds of people and bring to action emotions such as envy, jealousy, revenge, hatred, and other destructive emotions.

To prevent this from happening, a person must constantly live above his/her default nature by continually attracting the suggestions that will evoke the constructive emotions in them, such as love, forgiveness, empathy, kindness, love for others, and the likes.

Jesus Christ spent his entire life preaching the mysteries of self-development and being one philosopher in the realm of self-discovery and development who does believe in or care about any religion, I love Him so much. Some people say he’s a fictional character, but if a fictional character can create philosophies as sane as his, then it is better to worship or even become that character.

To prove the authenticity of the foregoing statement that Jesus Christ spent his entire life preaching the mysteries of self-development, Jesus Christ once instructed his followers to pray for their enemies and even feed them. This teaching is one of the hardest of his teachings because it takes only a developed person to do it and most people are not developed. Man’s default nature is to hurt those that hurt them, but Christ’s philosophy defied that.

He demonstrated it too when he was on the cross and instead of telling God to punish his prosecutors, he asked for forgiveness on their behalf. This is the peak of self-development, concerning which even those that call themselves Christ-likes are unpardonably inactive.

Most of the so-called Christians establish their places of worship on antichrist teachings of praying for their enemies to die. They joyfully practice their undeveloped nature in the name of faith. A lot of people find it easy to agree to that philosophy because it agrees with their default natures.  

Moving above one’s default nature requires a lot of willpower. Many people will do anything, no matter the amount of physical power it may require, but finds it harder and impossible to do anything that requires willpower. Willpower is man’s most gracious and precious gift, but one that he rarely uses.

The illustration here is so simple, without constant use of willpower which comes through self-discovery and development, living above one’s default nature is impossible.

Written by Soul’e Rhymez

A Lagos-based Philosopher and the creator of SOSAD

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  1. Great article! Self-development is a transformative process that empowers us to break free from limitations and unlock our full potential. It's about embracing change, embracing challenges, and embracing growth. Through self-reflection and introspection, we uncover invaluable insights that propel us towards success. The secrets of success lie not only in what we achieve but also in who we become along the way.
    I also suggest you to Read This


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