A few days ago I posted on my social media platforms that I love prostitutes and I was met with a mixed reactions from people, the first of which told me I needed serious deliverance, someone actually said I needed to be born again and a notable Muslim friend said I needed to repent. I could only, but wonder why I needed to repent from loving people, because they are prostitutes. Only two three people approved such love, one of which was an atheist.


The first question should be: what is wrong in loving a prostitute?

Why do I need to repent from loving a prostitute?

Why do I need deliverance?

Are prostitutes agents of the devil, that must be done away from?


Under religion, prostitutes are evils that must be done away from, by anyone who claims allegiance to God.

This goes to prove me right that God does not recognize religion.

If God is love and religion is a way to him, then why is it wrong to love prostitutes?

Are they destined for hell and must be condemned to hell through rejection before they die?

Are they too sinful for God to love them, or too unholy to associate with the acclaimed holy people of God?


I have conducted series of researches on prostitution within the last 3 years, going to bars and brothels, I must say, for one who does not smoke and drink, it was one of the hardest of all my researches, also considering the fact that if I was caught there by my Church members, I will be condemned to hell, before I die. There will be no excuse for me, because for to them, “light has nothing to do with darkness.”  Seeing me with them will automatically mean I sleep with them, whereas, my research involves I talked with them.


I decided to know God outside religion. Religion condemns association with prostitutes, but God does not.

If religion is truly the way to God, then there is something wrong somewhere.  I believe if the spirit of a prostitute can supersede the spirit of God in me, then it is either I am not conformed to the spirit of God or my conformity is not strong enough. Perhaps religion makes us believe association with them will take us away from the presence of God.


If you hate the prostitutes so much that getting close to them or talking to them where people will see you, becomes a taboo, except when you hold your Bible or Quran to show you are preaching to them, you are ungodly and a disgrace to God. The idea is not to induce you to sleep with a prostitute, it is rather to show them true love, but such love is not possible in religion, it rather passes judgment on them and show them the way to hell.    


If you think I am wrong about religion promoting hate for such people, then answer these questions with all sincerity in your mind:

If you caught me sleeping with a prostitute, will you still consider me worthy of being a church worker, or a true Christian or Muslim?

If a well known prostitute comes to your church, will you want to sit near her and let people see you converse with her?


You might think you are showing love, but you are actually showing hatred. If you can’t associate with them, you are judging them. According to “The Image of God” Judging (condemning) is one of the two sides of judgment another which is justification (acquitting). Judging is an attribute of hate while justification is an attribute of love. This means judging them inform of giving them distance, means you hate them.


In my three years of research why people choose prostitution. I have found out that in Nigeria, 96% of them are driven there by unfavorable circumstances, 36% of which is purely economical, 30% of which is purely moral decadence, deep rooted in religious condemnations and 30% of which is as a result of both. The remaining 4% did so also because of negative influences, some, psychological disorders and mismanagement of ego.  Let it be known that this research is no bare-brain, it almost cost me my life & what you could call reputation, but it is worth it.


However, if prostitution is bad, changing them for good requires you become their friends, be interested in their problems and most importantly, never come close to judging them, which means you love them. All of these stated above are very difficult under religion. Judging (condemnation) is the number one on the list of reasons why people become criminals and outcasts, which includes prostitutes, though they are not criminals. If you doubt this, then make your own research.


However, religion tops the list of human inventions that promotes condemnation (judging) of people, who do not conform to their standard of righteousness, even though it might be unconnected to God. While Judging, which is an attribute of hate, leads people to become criminals and outcast, love is capable of curing the most hardened criminal.


I love prostitutes because I know God loves them regardless of how people see them and wants me to love them too.

I hate religion, because it is full of hypocrisy. Let’s take Christianity for example.

Jesus who this religion is built around, when he was in the world sat and dined with the prostitutes in order to win them, but centuries after his ascension, the people who claim to live like him now think they can win them by passing judgment on them first. Jesus knew if he had judged these folks, it will be impossible to win them. He won a prominent prostitute in his time in the person of Mary Magdalene; it was possible, because he didn’t judge her first, not even when his disciples condemned her.


Most of us are prostitutes, yet, condemn prostitutes and thinks we are holier than they are.

If you sleep with a prostitute, you have no justification to condemn her,

If you sleep with your with someone to get what you want, whether money, position at workplace, political position, movie role, stardom or anything that’s what living for, then you have no moral justification to judge the prostitutes, because you are involved in the same profession.

You gave your body as a price for what you want, they do the same; so what makes you better? What makes you superior to them?


“He without sin shall cast the first stone, so when you look at the mirror double check your appearance.” You know what that means?


The major aim of this piece is to give you reasons to show more love, it is not an encouragement to sleep with prostitutes or become one, neither is it a condemnation of it.

Showing love is different, if you can’t help them; don’t compound their problems by judging them.


The Greatest command is love and since this does not exclude the prostitutes, loving them is one of the ways to live in God’s will.





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