If your desire to earn supersedes your desire to learn, you are most likely to go through life in misery and poverty.” – Soul’e Rhymez

As a network marketer, I created a WhatsApp group, where my downlines in a particular network market could come together, work as a unit and earn, but just this morning, I woke up to find out that I have been removed from the group. 

Seeing the person who removed me, the first thing I did was to smile to myself and find a solution. I called others whom I made administrators of the group and they complained they have been removed by the same guy. I was not baffled, of course I was problem of my own, because I have been warned against that guy by an elderly, who is also a soldier, but belongs to the group.

The deed was done, but I needed a way out. I called the culprit; he quit it and put his phone off much later. So before he could spoil the name I have been building for years, I wrote a disclaimer and sent to those that came to the group, because they trusted me. I labeled him a fraudster; exactly what he tried to make me look like whether intentionally or unintentionally.

It was then he chat me up, saying I lied to him about the business, that I did not tell him how it works. That was a very false accusation, adding to his numerous offences. To every member that joins the group, including him, the terms and conditions are the first things to present before telling them to register, just like many others wouldn’t bother learning about what they put their monies in, he blamed me for what looked like his failure.

I remember he once told me about creating as many accounts as possible, because he needed money, but didn’t bother to ask me how it works or read it whenever it was posted in the group. The same attitude of his leaves a lot of people poor.  I once had a similar clash with a Lady who registered ICharity via my link. Even though it took me 3 weeks of consistently telling her about it before she turned up, she still went on to register without learning anything about it outside what I told her.

She completed grade 1 as fast as she could and upgraded to grade 2, which I made her do, but she had no clue people that registered under her direct downlines  are the ones to pay her in grade two once they upgrade.
I had made mention of this severally, but she wouldn’t bother to read, she was only interested in making money and when it seems it wasn’t working out the way she presumed, she questioned my integrity.

I joined ICharity the second day I was told, I persisted despite the person that brought me in gave up after completing grade 1, I made more than 130k from it, before the unwillingness to learn of my downlines affected me. My earning didn’t come by magic, I was open minded to receive the opportunity, I didn’t just opt in, I took my time to read everything on the site, I downloaded the PDF of how the matrix works and studied it carefully.
Even though I was told the system will merge me, I didn’t get a single merge from them.   

A lot of folks went on complaining, but I went on earning, because prior to that, I had taken my time to learn about how it works and the possible changes that may occur. I knew very well as a result of my research, that once people have referral links, they will register under someone and not on the site, which will make automatic merging impossible. I went to work, creating several write-ups for it, and it seemed each of my write-ups returned to me with 6k. That was a result of learning.

If you want power, you go straight to the source of power!
I needed information about the platform, I went to the site, I did not ask who invited me; he was only going to tell me only what he was told too.
Knowledge is potential power, putting it to work is power, but to get it, you must be willing to learn.
No one has mastered anything in life without proper and superior knowledge of it.

Unwillingness to learn has eternal consequences, most people will have ended their lives untimely because they are unwilling to learn and many won’t make heaven for the same reason.
I see many youths becoming poorer and more useless than they are now, when all these online donation platforms fade away, simply because they are unwilling to learn.
Learning should always come before earning, whenever earning comes before learning, it brings eventual poverty and misery. If you want to earn, learn twice as much.

I will be using this opportunity to invite you to a lecture that comes up on the 15th of March, (tomorrow) at 08: 00mp. It is titled: “THE SCIENCE OF LEARNING” and will be delivered by the writer of this article, Soul’e Rhymez.
To be a part of this lecture, click on the link below to join the WhatsApp group, where it will take place:

Or call Stephen on: +2348163800077 for more information.

Please share if you think it is worth it.


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