Last week I got myself a new phone!
Not just a phone, but another sophisticated phone.
Prior to buying this phone, some questions cropped up in my mind and they are:
What if this phone is fake?
You have another phone which you bought in less than 2 months ago, what will you be doing with 2
phones? Most of the rich people make use of a single phone, you are not even rich, why do you need 2 phones, don't you think you will create wrong impression that you are rich for people around you?
You can put your two sim cards in your phone, remember you don't want to cut your sim card and
buying this phone means you will cut it, why not stick to your other phone and invest this money in another thing?
All these cropped up in my mind after I had gone to the bank to withdraw some units of thousands
required to purchase the phone.
These excuses are enough for me to change my mind and not buy the phone.
All the while I couldn't remember a single reason why I needed to buy the phone.
They all disappeared.
All of these questions and doubts were created in my subconscious mind due to my own reluctance to
decide, hereby making me forget every reason why I first needed the phone and presented me with every reason why I shouldn't buy it.
I bought the phone anyways; it does not look like a smart decision until I did. Of course I needed the phone.
The reasons why I needed it reappeared after I bought it and wondered where they disappeared to
before then.
After I got the phone, another customer who had gone to prize some phones came back wanting to buy the same phone for higher prize, but it was too late, I already bought it.
He might have been as indecisive as I was and now it was too late for him.
This phone is proving to be a big deal!
The battery has been helping me to keep updated when there is no light and the Generator is spoils,
even when there was no power in the laptop.
I keep up with my business and this means; this phone will make me more money than I used to buy
it. Already, I have gotten 7k with the phone and could still sell it for 5k more than I bought it, that is
a good deal, isn't it?
What if I didn't buy it? I will definitely choose from the salient excuses I was provided with, to
support my indecision.
For any decision not made when it should be made, there will always be reasonable
convictions that they are wrong decisions, even if they are not.
They are most times mere illusions.
They are most times mere illusions.
This is why a lot of people end up indecisive and convinced themselves they are right.
That you find salient reasons not to make a certain decision does not make it a wrong decision if
taken, you are only indecisive and at the end a failure.
Remember, life will always present you with whatsoever you want to see and how you choose to
see things determine the quality of your life, because they affect your decision making processes.
You can choose to remain indecisive, but just as people are products of their decisions, you will
be a product of your indecision. It is also a decision not to decide.
What decision are you thinking of making?
Make it now, because tomorrow, you will find a good reason not to make it, but they are all
Written by Soul'e Rhymez
Poet & Public
Speaker, Nigeria.
For questions, call:
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