After MMM froze the account of its subscribers, it has become very difficult to convince people to join other online businesses. Most of them fear they will crash. I also lost customers due to this. Every attempt to persuade them were abortive, they couldn’t be convinced, but I understood it was due to one thing: ignorance of the differences between a ponzi scheme and Networking business, both of which are forms of online business.

In this article, we will be taking MMM, a ponzi scheme and ICharity Club, a networking business.
Like I once said, “In the history of the world, there has never been a time when opportunities  to make money has been made available and easy as they are now, but only open minded people who are not ashamed to tell people about these opportunities will benefit from them.
What type of business am I referring to; ponzi scheme or networking business?

Let us examine the differences between MMM & iCharity Club as points of views.

1. MMM is a ponzi scheme, while iCharity is a networking business.
MMM does not require you to invite anybody to get paid, you only put in some money and be paired to someone that will pay you back with 30% increment. That makes it a ponzi scheme.
iCharity requires referring people. That is a lot of works for some folks, but without it, no business; no payment. That’s why it is called “Networking Business”.

2. Automatic Matching.
In ponzi scheme, you will be matched to people to receive payment from and people to pay. That’s automatic matching and it only happens in ponzi schemes. In networking business, no one matches you to any unknown person, you know who you are paying to and work in a matrix with the same people that came in through you, because it is networking. You make more money once people register through you, you are required to work for your money by bringing people in, not just sit and wait for magical increment.

3. Fraud possibility.
All ponzi schemes could be frauds, not only MMM, in the sense that, since the administrators are the ones that refer accounts for you to pay to, they can refer themselves to the biggest monies and have other people provide help to pay to the giver, while they won’t give help.
However, in networking business, one of which is iCharity, even though the administrators could be involved in the business, they have equal chances to earn just like everyone has. You get people to pay you the amount you paid, not anything more or less, even though addition of all of them could earn you more than any ponzi scheme will earn you, it is not a scam. You earn based on your hard work.

4. Risk.
Talking about risk, if MMM eventually crash, some people will lose millions, no one will lose less than 10 thousand of their money. However, in networking business, even if the system crash, you can’t lose more than your initial capital, which is a meager sum.
In Icharity Club, the highest amount anyone can lose if it crashes is 6 thousand naira only, and you stand to gain more than 400 million, if you are willing and dedicated to investing in your team (Matrix).

5. Payments.
Without doubts, networking businesses, which includes iCharity Club, pays more than any ponzi schemes. People just don’t want to be involved in the hard work of convincing people, which is the foundation stone of any networking business. It requires you to be selfless, because if you are selfish, your matrix won’t grow and you won’t earn.
You get paid as you expand your network and have them grow, earn as you earn too.
But ponzi schemes only promise you an increment after sometime without necessarily having to invite people or do anything to earn that increment.

6. Values of life.
Whosoever can succeed in networking business can succeed in any area of life if the same principle applied to succeed in it is adopted. Success in networking business requires knowledge of what one has, knowledge of what one wants, selflessness, burning desire, faith, persistence, patience, perseverance and never say die attitude to get the desired result. All of these are essential for the achievement of any goal in life. Whether a networking business has a product for sell or not, it offers you invaluable lessons on interpersonal relationship.

Whereas, in ponzi schemes like MMM and the likes, all you need to do is invest money, no other value added, no work, just sleep and get paid.  It is without doubt a system that robs Peter to pay Paul and if you end up as the peter, there is no Paul to accuse of your ignorance. It is a voluntary donation made.

Now that you know the difference, are you going to make a choice or remain indecisive?

Are you thinking of joining a networking business; make more money even as you acquire emotional intelligence?  

Our team do that well.

With us, you can start with either #1000, #1, 500, #6000, or #12, 500 depending on your choice and make several millions from several network businesses that we have made thorough researches on and we will also offer you encouragements and tips on how to succeed in it.  

If you are interested, kindly join our WhatsApp group by clicking on this link:

For more information, call Stephen on: +2348163800077.

Please kindly share if you think it is worth it.                                   


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