(An Online Discourse on SRAF)


TOBILOBA: My name is Oluwatobiloba aka. Soft n sleek,
I think people watch porn out of loneliness. There is a saying which goes thus: 'an idle mind is the devil's workshop.
While other people go into porn because they are not sexually satisfied by their partners, which unknowingly to them, will only worsen it, a belief will pop up in their heads the more that no human can satisfy them.

LINDA: Good evening, my name is Uchechukwu Scholastica Linda, I think the reason is because of loneliness as in not doing anything from morning till night and not thinking about positive thing.
The second is being afraid if heart break so in that case you will say to yourself "let me watch this get along with one girl and release."

VICTORIA INCE: Hello I am Victoria Issac and I think persons watch porn to learn new moves. To be a better lover. Some persons are addicted and for some it's sport. Some persons are shy and like the sexual peak viewing porn gives them.

KANU: My name is Kanu Augustine, Director, KamReports. There are several reasons why people go into the habit of watching porn, ranging from loneliness, curiosity and sex addiction. Some other reasons may have spiritual leaning.

AYO: My name is Ayo aka Liltizz, according to my own view it has been part of some people right from childhood for example, a family is living in a room and its never possible for the parent not to have sex, so through that children like to know how it feels while some watch it just to satisfy their moods.

IZUCHUKWU: I am Izuchukwu Asogwa from Enugu State, Nigeria.  I think people watch Pornography because of sexual naivety and the desire to, at least, satisfy a little bit, their sexual urges. Some persons watch it because their friends introduced them and they want to know the unknown People also do so to learn different styles of making love. Emotional stress is also another reason.
FATOYINBO: Emmanuel Fatoyinbo Niger state, Nigeria. I think people get stuck to porn because its one way for them to get sexually satisfied .... And there comes the addiction ....and to say the truth its does come naturally to want to watch porn but some people are able to control the urge than some others.

JESSICA: Am Jessica, people watch porn, because they needed to have sex at the moment and couldn't find opposite sex, some watch it to know different styles and positions when having sex.

HAMONY: I am Harmony Uche Obasi, the very fact is that we all has watch porn in one way or the other, but the majority cause of addiction is inferiority complex to confront the opposite sex, mostly on men...

TOKONI: My name is Tokoni; there are various reasons for pornography. People mostly forget that porn is just another form of business, for the Pornstars, that may be their bread and butter and for the people, an easy way to feel intimate with others. It also helps with frustration and relaxation for some. Most are pushed into it for money debts, some are clueless. Honestly, I don't think that porn is bad, for those that like it enjoy. Just don't forget yourself.

 JOE: My name is Jonathan A.K.A. JOE. I believe People watch porn from these four observations.
 (1) Out of addiction.
(2) The believe that it could give them better experience (only applicable to those who ain't in the act of sex before marriage).
(3) Out of the belief of satisfying their spouses with the best positions and moves.
(4) Because they are addicted to masturbation and as such, they watch it just to be sexually aroused and carry out the act of masturbation with imaginative pictures.  THANK YOU...

AYO: I'm Ayo from Ondo state.
On the other hand, it is good to watch it than going around to rape.
I think it's also a modernized way of satisfying someone's mood. It also helps the couples, in a situation whereby the wife is not around, and the husband is sexually aroused and if he watches it may calm his mood.

MARYAM: Im Maryam, Porn is not a good thing..... Only kids with no access to pussy wallow in the imaginative pleasure of other people's sexual enjoyment...

JOE: I believe pornography could lead to illicit acts like: (1). Rape. (2) Masturbation.  (3). Sexual obsession with Young ladies (the act whereby a guy constantly looks at each girl, who passes his way with an imaginative mind) (4). Prostitution (a lady always sexually arouse to every guys, who come her way, thereby making her vulnerable to the act of sex).

JEJENIWA: Good Evening Great Minds, My name is Jejeniwa Olamilekan, from Ilorin, Kwara State.
I believe the effects of pornography on our society are enormous and to to get these effects, our mode of perception is needed to put into play. Our perception of the act will determine weather we deduce positive or negative effects.
So therefore our opinions will differ based on our personal perception of the act.
If you're to ask me, I'd simply say the act of pornography has greatly helped those it'll help for their various legitimate reasons and this same act which has colossally corrupted and misguided many people, especially those who shouldn't have been exposed to the act yet.

TOKONI: Financial reasons definitely, in areas where it's common it reduces inhibition. Now whether this is good or bad is up to the individual's innate nature after all some places have nudist beaches and sex clubs, while some twisted minds could actually turn to kidnapping to enact what they have watched in the porno. Some would argue that it has gotten them off the street.

JEJENIWA: Some people will paint the act as destructive, while some will be in support but the truth is not farfetched.
The motive behind its usage is what matters most. For example; medical drugs that treat diseases can also be the cause of another if taken with another ulterior motive which is different from the reason of the creation of the substance.
This is life for you. One man's food is another man's poison. Something that blessed a man might curse another.
Succinctly put, effects of pornography cannot be wholly logically proven or expressed.

EMMANELLA: My name is Miss Emmanuella & I reside in Abuja. When Soul'e Rhymez posted this topic at a WhatsApp group that I belong, I first mentioned just one good side to watching porn & that it was of medical benefits for those who used porn as a sedative for their hernia disease, if other medications gave them unpleasant side effects. I got attacked by an "evangelist" who had a morality attack by saying that "the devil finds ways of making something that is bad look good. PORN IS AS BAD AS BAD." I agreed with him, that yes watching porn is bad of course, just like taking marijuana is bad, but for how long are we going to continue to say how bad porn is uh? Having a morality attack does not erase the fact that porn is here to stay, folks. I say that it is the abuse & misuse of porn that makes it bad. He sarcastically said: "So watching naked people having sex is medicinal." It's unfortunate that he wasn't open-minded enough to see my viewpoint in porn-watching.
Another thing is watching porn has improved the sex lives of some couples, whose marriages are almost at the brink of ruin, because of low sex drive, but then again the negative aspects of watching porn seems to overshadow its few positive sides. Taking marijuana is just as bad as watching porn, but because marijuana is an herb, science has discovered its usefulness to the human body. Most times, marijuana is abused & misused, that's why it's bad.
So many of us dwell in those negative aspects of watching porn & yet still watch it anyway in spite of it. We almost totally forget what those porn practitioners are going through.
Some of them have financial reasons for venturing into porn, yes. But in some western countries, being a pornstar is like being a legend.
Clearly child pornography is AS BAD AS BAD, because the people involved in this business are law-breakers & law enforcement agents are still on the hunt for both those who consume these video clips & the makers of these movies.

GBEMILEKE: I believe pornography affects psychologically, it increases the rate of sexual crimes like rape, it helps reduce unwanted marriage, it helps while away time, it destroys mind.

OYINDAMOLA: My name is Oyindamola from Nigeria; The Bible makes clear watching pornography is sinful. First, the very word pornography comes from a Greek word Porneia, which is translated sexual immorality in our English Bibles; the act of watching pornography is immoral and sinful. It is wrong because it condones fornication and is licentiousness. It is intended to induce lust in the heart, and it exposes us to the nakedness of strangers. That is my say on it.

 OLUWAFAMOUS: I am Oluwafamous from Ekiti; Pornographic film has no other than evil we encountered in wrong civilization.  In those days was there something like this?
The more we see it as medicinal the more the immorality spread.
It has lead to unwanted pregnancy.
And it even breaks homes when your spouse finds enjoyment in watching porn than to satisfy his/her partner.
In every way we say it, it is as good as bad. Thanks

This is a great discussion and one of the finest we have had on this platform. Thanks for your participation. However, here are my verdicts, not the best, so, it is a choice for you to make whether to take or leave.
Pornography is a very controversial topic, but it is not a topic that we can leave aside since it has become a part of life of a lot of people, may be including you. To the religious ones, it is an evil act that should not be allowed to thrive, to the liberal ones; they feel there are some advantages attached to it. Some countries also ban it, but in the western world, the porn industry is a multi-billion entertainment industry. However, for most of its professionals and the audience, it is like Kanye West saying “I sold my soul to the devil; I know it is a crappy deal, but at least it comes with a few toys” what are these toys?

According to Bobby Blake, a retired Bi-sexual porn actor, in his book “My Life in Porn” opined that 97% of porn acts are those that are rejected by the society.
Pornography gave them acceptance and they embraced it. Someone said that people that act porn are agents of the devil sent to destroy destinies, that could be true, but not even 10% true. Porn acts are people like you and I with problems, regardless of how well they act in those movies, they have one thing in common: unwillingness to feel guilty for their profession that the society tag evil after being rejected by the same society to venture into the industry.

In an interview, Cinnamon Love, a retired Porn Actress complained she was not allowed to do community services, because she was considered bad role model to the children. This tells a little about the perceived negative effects of pornography, both on the practitioners and the audience. However, porn has been said to be beneficial in some ways and this is where we have to talk about the toys (advantages).


1.      IMPROVED ATTITUDE TOWARDS SEX: Pornography tends to aid improvement, enthusiasm the attitude and opinion towards sex and the human body.
2.       SEXUAL RELAXATION: Pornography is a method of releasing sexual tension and relaxing to improve the human body and mind.
3.       DISEASES FREE VIEWING: People that watch porn does so most times, because they cannot contact sexually transmitted diseases, since they didnt have to have sex with anyone in the process.
4.       DISEASE FREE: In most countries, since it is considered a profession, pornographic actors and actresses are required to undergo periodic testing of sexually transmitted diseases. As a result, these actors and actresses have a lower percentage of diseases than the regular population. This might be the reason many find it easy to opt for it.
5.       ECONOMIC BENEFITS: Pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry providing a large number of jobs including actors, actresses, directors, film crews, editors, technical staff, etc.
6.       ENTERTAINMENT: Pornography is a form of entertainment; this must be why a lot of people are addicted to it. Watching people have sex could be entertaining.
7.       LOW CRIME RATE: While there have been studies that link pornography to crime, there has similar studies that states otherwise. Therefore, there is no concrete proof of an increase of violence or sexual crimes caused by pornography. It is currently believed that the sexual release of watching pornography probably decreases crimes more than it increases crimes.
This can however be unethical or sound untrue to some folks, but until more concrete researches has been carried out, it remains as it is.


1.      OBSCENITY: Pornography is widely considered morally questionable and obscene in many, but not all, cultures. Some countries forbid it and even restrict the use of internet by their citizens as a result.
2.       RELIGION AND BELIEFS: I can assure that all religions and some spiritual beliefs are against pornography, because it is considered a type of adultery and ungodliness, which is against their doctrines and ways of pleasing the deity of their religions.
3.       FEMINISM: Many people consider pornography demeaning to women, they believe women are been used as sex tools in porn. This could be traced to concentrating more on the females private parts and subjecting them to several fetish sexual acts in porn.
4.       ECONOMIC COERCION: Pornography is often considered exploitive to lower income earners, who spend their little earnings to purchase or download these clips.
5.       PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL DAMAGE: Pornography caused psychological and physical damage to the consumers. For instance, when I was growing up and was exposed to porn, I hated ladies, because of the way they are portrayed in those sex tapes; I saw nothing good in them. This crept into my way of life and I became a misogynist; I hated girls and felt sex is not for them to enjoy, but to punish them. Thank God I didnt get to the level of raping or setting any girl up for rape, but this is always the end result with people, who go into pornography without understanding the use and the fact that the practitioners are just pure professionals, doing their job to earn a living.
6.       UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS: lack of understanding of the fact that porn actors are not actually people, who enjoy sex on the set, but people who are paid to act has led a lot of people to break up in their relationships, they expect their partners to meet up with what they see in porn. There are different types of porn and these are just forms of entertainment, not to be practiced daily by people. These guys do this for a living, they are trained to do what you see them do on the screen, so if you are just one, who want to enjoy your sex life, it is good you take a tip or two from them to better your lovemaking, but never to be as perfect as them. Never expect your partner to do what you see on the screen. Learn together and make your lovemaking fun, especially when married, to avoid adultery.
7.       CRIPPLED SOCIAL LIFE: In the long run, addiction to pornography has a very negative effect on both the practitioners and consumers. Just like the case of Cinnamon Love, which I mentioned earlier on, most porn practitioners are maligned against in the society, they are considered bad influence and people possessed of evil, this in return cripple them socially.
The consumers also share out of this deficit. If anyone is addicted to pornography, they hardly have time for friends, they will either be glued to their phones or computers, surfing the internet for updates on their favorite pornographic videos and pictures.
8.       ADDICTION: Too much of everything is not good; this is the same with porn. If you are addicted to porn, you have a big problem and you need to see a psychologist or a spiritualist. Already, the arguments are against it and if you are addicted to it, it is a double jeopardy. Anything you cant control is your master. Dont let pornography or sex to be your master.
9.       LAW: Pornography is illegal in some countries, so if it is a crime in your country, make every effort to desist from it.

There are many reasons for and against pornography, but it all boils down to personal choices and beliefs. However, is interesting to note that most of the perceived advantages of pornography are facts, while most of the disadvantages are subjective and not consistent.
It is up to you to decide if pornography is good for you or otherwise.
But whatsoever is your choice, please never let anything control you. God sent you to the world to subdue it, not for the world to subdue you and it will be degrading if common pornography subdues you. So, just as Moses said to the people of Israel, I present before you life and death, but I urge you, choose life so I say here, the choice is all yours. Im not forcing any idea of rightness down your throats.

 Thanks for your time.

I am Soule Rhymez.




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