(An Online Lecture delivered by Soul’e Rhymez)

Oxford Dictionary,defines religion in different ways such as:
1 belief in a superhuman controlling power, esp. in a personal God or gods entitled to obedience and worship.
2 expression of this in worship.
3 particular system of faith and worship.
4 Life under monastic vows.
5 thing that one is devoted to. [Latin religio bond].

We shall be dealing with the first definition which is: “Belief in a superhuman controlling power, esp. in a personal God or gods entitled to obedience and worship.”
Well, this definition best describe religion, as it also made mention of people’s mode of worship.
Going by the definition above, it will occur to you that whichever religion you choose will determine your beliefs, lifestyle and mode of thinking.

However, in order to live life at its best, certain religious beliefs had to be checked.
Transformation in religion, regardless of the type of religion also requires searching deep into other religions, comparing and contrasting to know which is best.
To start your journey of mental transformation in religion, here are certain things you need to know and they are as follows:

Whether we like to accept it or not, since religion is man’s way back to God, it is all about who knows the way, and it has become a bragging right.
For instance, for the Christians, it is a bragging right to be called children of God and to be acquainted with Jesus Christ.
They also brag of being Christ-like, even though they couldn’t attain such height with their efforts. In likely manner, every other religion has something they brag about, things they think make their own belief the best among others.

The place of bragging right can never be taken away in religion, without bragging right, there is no religion. Religions are standards created by men, through which they think they can please God, it is about who gets it right, who knows the way.
Everyone who gets it right brags about it and have certain authority over others.
However, anyone who wants to be transformed mentally must first check the eternal relevance of these bragging rights and make the right choice.

Well, in all the religions, there are certain duties, rituals to be made to their revered deity.
These rituals may be in form of prayers, fasting, and the likes, they are medicines for treatments in religion. Prayer, fasting and the likes are medicines for treatments in religion,but are most times not the best, thus, anyone who wants to be transformed mentally must understand when these treatments work, and when they don’t.

I once wrote a poem titled “Don’t Pray for Me” knowing that prayer is a major treatment in religion, and one way through which religious people feel they can communicate with the deity of their religion, it made me look like an atheist to people.
But what I advocated for was the right use of this medicine called prayer, knowing it doesn’t answer all things as claimed by religion, when it is unnecessary. 
A mentally transformed person understands that prayer and fasting doesn’t do all things; he must know when to pray and when not to pray, even though religion says otherwise.

Evangelism is a vital part of religion, it shows that despite, religion is a bragging right; it is not limited to certain people.
Most religion, adopt different ways of evangelizing.
Some adopt persuasive indoctrination while some makes use of forced indoctrination.
The religious ones believe their own created way back to God is the best and in one way or the other want to have many people on their sides, this is why they evangelize.

The Christians are synonymous with persuasive indoctrination, while the Muslims adopt forced indoctrination, but whichever way anyone chooses to evangelize their belief, they must not obstruct the peace of others or tamper with their volition. However, evidences shows that such achievement is unattainable in some religions.

Both the Christians and the Muslims violates the rights of people.
They are both guilty of their noisy and less productive mode of evangelism that only causes noise pollution. Though the Christians believe people should not be forced, it seems the Muslims believe it is a do or die affair;e a Muslim and live, reject it and die.
The extremists see Muslims that does not practice forced indoctrination as non-Muslims.

No mentally transformed person will obstruct the peace of people or force them against their volition to conform to a certain belief.
Anybody that does that must be high either on drug or religion overdose and needs a supernatural brain surgeon.
The moralist however believes people must be forced to do certain things and be penalized for not doing them. No mentally transformed person thinks that way, but religion also disagrees.

Since religion is a bragging right for who conforms best to the tenets, it paves way for condemnation. For instance, most religions do not approve homosexuality, they believe it is against the plans of their deity and as a result, they condemn anyone that they find indulging in such act. They advocate for their destruction and pray against their existence.
It doesn’t mean homosexuality is good, however condemnation worsens the situation, but that’s what religion offers to them.

The Christians says their religion is based on love while the Muslims say theirs is based on peace, but up till now, the world is suffering from lack of love and has become a way zone with wars and rumours of wars everywhere, most of which are inspired by religion.
Where is the love and where is the peace?
Yet, we couldn’t ask questions. Any transformed mind will ask these questions and earnestly seek answers.

According to THE IMAGE OF GOD, a book written by Soul’e Rhymez, condemnation is an attribute of hate, thus if as a Christian, you hate anyone and claims your religion is based on love, you are obviously deceiving yourself.
If you claim to be Christ-like and you hate the homosexuals, you are a disgrace and mockery to the body of Christ, because JesusChristwould not have condemned them and send them to hell the way you do, without first showing themlove.
No mentally transformed person condemns people for what they don’t understand and expect them to repent, but the disposition of the religious ones say otherwise.

I once said that not exceptionally intelligent person will try to see God under the lenses of religion and not be tempted to be an atheist.
In fact, religion is the reason why we have people who claim to be atheists.
Religion creates certain limitation in a bid to be able to please the deities to whom they were created, but regardless of which religion you belong, to be exceptionally successful, you will have to violate the tenets of your religion.
Does it mean going against God?
Every transformed mind will ask that question and find answers to them.

We have different types of religions and each of them will claim theirs is the right way back to God. I have talked with several folks, who won’t accept anything that does not agree with their religions’ beliefs. I once told a lady to go and read the Quran to find out some facts about Jesus Christ, but she told me the Quran is an evil book that she won’t read it; then I wonder how the hell she knew it is an evil book when she wouldn’t even read it?
I was also talking to a 28 year old lady about Christianity and she forbad it, saying it is a very bad development to change from being a Muslim to become a Christian. This same lady does have a Quran, or has been reading it, yet she believed Islam is the best religion. How the hell did she know that?

There is one thing synonymous with the two ladies mentioned above and that is, inability to search beyond what they have been told. They are both indoctrinated and mentally lazy and this affects their transformation.
If there is anything you are thought and you are made to believe it is the best and you must not criticize it, it is ungodly, but this is what every religion does.
Does it mean religion is ungodly?
It is not that it is ungodly; it is a microchip that makes you believe what you are told to believe, even though they are unreasonable.

Well, while every other religion will claim their religion is the only way back to God, it will interest you to know that God does not recognize any religion, this includes Christianity.
Having understood that religion is a way created by mankind in order to get back to God and to please him, I am glad to announce to you that it would have made more sense before the death of Jesus Christ, but now, it is as useless as the ‘P’ in psychology.
This means all religions are invalid as far as God is concerned.

In john 14: 6, when Thomas, one of the disciples of Jesus asked him where is the way, Jesus replied thus: “…I am the way, the truth and the life: no one comes to the father, but by me.” This statement by Jesus says it all; it is not about any religion created around him just like the Christians do, but about him and why is it about him?
In John 3: 16 Jesus himself said why it is about him, referring to his mission on earth, he said, “for god so love the world, that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life”.

Those declarations by Jesus were all anyone needs to live a transformed life and to please God, not religion. He was the way that God created to lead people to him, any other self created ways are invalid. Christians are lucky, because their religion entails believing in Jesus Christ, that is the only thing that matters, not every other ritual they make to please God.

When I tell people that I believe in Jesus Christ, but I am not a Christian, people say I am confused, but that is one of the problems that lack of understanding of the fact that Jesus did not actually author the religion called Christianity causes.
Jesus Christ was not a prophet or human being as made believed by the religious folks, this mystery is unveiled in two different essays, namely: “JESUS CHRIST; A SAVIOUR, NOT A CHRISTIAN & THE WORD NAMED JESUS CHRIST” click on the links below, to read.


I once said that if long after I am gone, it was said about me that a wise man had gone; it would have been because I chose to know God beyond the prescription of any religion.
This will also be true of anyone who wants to be mentally transformed and affect their societies most maximally.
Religion is always a limitation, but Jesus Christ gave the freedom, no need to strive to perfect your way back to God, with your own efforts, just believe in Jesus Christ and listen to his dictates, then you would not only be mentally transformed, but be spiritually transformed.

I once said that the reason a lot of folks remain unwise is because most acts of wisdom often looks like sin. This is very true of the religious people, they live under the law of their religion and many things become sin as long as they violate the law of their religion, not necessarily God.
The fact is, if you live under the law, you will create more sins and sins only put you in bondage and make you look incapable and unworthy of your creature.

With Jesus Christ, you cannot sin, not because you won’t be able to do those things called sins, but because, you belief in Jesus Christ, you are not seen as a sinner to God, as long as you didn’t renounce your believe in him.
Read the above recommended essays and you will understand.

Global Unique Youths group (G.U.Y)

Abidoye .O. Samuel


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