(An Online Lecture)

Lecturer: MISS OWOLABI TITILOLA,(HND Insurance & Advanced Diploma in HR)

TITILOLA: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, my name is Owolabi Titilola, I'm to take the discussion for tonight.
We are discussing “YOU HAVE WHAT TO GIVE “.

I do not have quotable quotes, I do not have 5 steps to giving, and I don't have ladders to get before you give; apologies to those that prefer those.
I'm here to gist and rub minds with you. Please pardon me.
When Mr. Soul’e asked me to take this lecture, I thought deeply about it and also prayed about it (no apologies for that)

The one scripture that kept coming to my mind was,
“A man giveth out of that which he has and not out of that which he has not”.
This simply means you can’t give what isn't yours and you can’t give what isn't yours to give.
For example, if am to give N5, 000 to Sis. Oluwabunmi Ipadeola and I told her please hold it for me that I'll be back later to collect it. She does not have a legal right to give it out because I didn't give her the right to give it out. I hope we understand that aspect of giving?

Now back to the main point.
When most people hear giving, they think of money or material things alone. Nope!
Giving goes beyond financial or material support.
Different people need different things at every point in life.
Giving Mr. A money does not necessarily mean at that, Mr. B will require same gift of money.
This is why as humans, first and foremost, we need to have the spirit of discernment to know what to do and time to do them when giving is concerned.
Sometimes, all a person needs is a hug, a smile and a word of assurance. That will mean more than the whole world.

Some people require kind words; some require a pat on the back.
Some require your presence, but would prefer total silence.
They want to see, but not necessarily hear you talk. Your presence is enough consolation for them.
Some people will require money.
Don't give or promise beyond your capacity and end up compromising your integrity and hurting the recipient of your promise.

As human beings, we are limited in knowledge that is where the Spirit of God comes in.
He gives us information and leads us into all truths.
I am not sure if am allowed to talk about God here, but the place of God in our lives cannot be overemphasized.
If we decide to keep giving without knowledge, we’ll burn out very quickly. Not necessarily burn out by money finishing, but burn out through anger and resentment with time.
But if we get divine guidance, giving will be easy.
One will become as the children of Issachar, who had an understanding of the times and seasons and knows what Israel ought to do per time.

Sometimes, in a bid to keep up with the Joneses, be known as the biggest boy/girl, we hide who we are.
We become a copy of someone else and as a result, we are unable to be all that God has called us to be.
In each of us are gifts, talents, inspirations, etc to make the world a better place.
Don't trade it to keep up with people and be the 2nd best.
How friendly are you to people?
How approachable are you?
How trustworthy are you?
Can you keep discussions confidential?
These are qualities fast becoming extinct. Can you be the difference the world needs?
Search deep within you.

Is there something you should be doing that you are not doing to help mankind?
You don't necessarily have to give money or material gifts. Sometimes all a person requires is a kind word, words of encouragement, godly advice, a sweet and sincere smile, a pat on d back, a word of greeting, your presence and sometimes your silence as mentioned earlier.
Will it be easy? Nope!
Sometimes you may be hurting, but will be required to put your issues aside and lend a helping hand. Sometimes it will require you denying yourself of some luxury to help others. Do it anyway.
Will it be rewarding? O yes!
The joy you feel when someone's life is better, because you gave a helping hand is unquantifiable.
In addition, God ensures you the giver are never stranded.

It could be in your place of work. What is your attitude to work?
“Seeth thou a man diligent in his work? He will stand before kings and not mean/ordinary men”
Are you giving your all to your job either you are the MD/CEO or you are an employee?
Give sincerely, give your best. Be diligent, be proactive. Be aware, be up-to-date.
Don't stay in one spot. Keep learning, keep improving..
You will be better for it in the long run, because you will stand before kings and not ordinary men.
To family, give quality time. Give love. It is a seed you will always harvest from.

Thank you for being a part of this, questions please, if you have any.

ISZY: One question please, how do you put your all in your job when you are fixed to a particular role, but added a new job title with the same salary allocated to you?

TITILOLA: No matter what you are going through, keep giving your best. You are training yourself both now and in the future. You are sowing the seed of greatness for yourself.
If all you do is complain, you will get frustrated and eventually depressed.

MRS O BUNMI: May God bless you more in Jesus name.

SRAF 1: Shout out to u speaker. One love

MARYAM: Kisses. I think am blessed to be in this group... More blessed that I didn't miss this lecture... On behalf of me, myself and I, I say a big tank you to you guys for having me here.

T ADEKUNLE: “If all you do is complain, you will get frustrated and eventually depressed.”I starred that.

Soul'e Rhymez:  I have to say a very big THANK YOU To Miss Titilola. God will bless you for honoring us. Others might not know you busy you really are, but trust me I do; rather, I try to do. Thanks a lot dear.
I am blessed, this is short and profound.
Not forgetting Mary and Mrs. Oluwabunmi who helped in corresponding. God bless you both.
We are proud to have you here.

TITILOLA: Thank you very much Sir, I appreciate the platform and opportunity. God bless you real good. Thank you for reading everyone. It's an honour and a privilege and I’m not taking it for granted.

Eneji Stephen Toluwalashe (Soul’e Rhymez)

Oluwabunmi Ipadeola Ogunnote


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