If you cannot disobey your parents when it is necessary to do so, you are most likely never to live above mediocrity –the unwillingness to disobey your parents when it matters most is often the same as choosing to be mediocre except in a very few cases.


One of the best keys through which many parents lock their children’s brains and prevent them from truly living by making them obey them all the time even though what they are saying may be outdated, wrong, or even bad is the misinterpretation of a quote from the Bible, which goes thus: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise.” (Ephesians 6: 1)


My father recently came up with that quote when he exhausted all his persuasive skills to make me do certain a thing that I did not want to do. I disobeyed him without any apologies. This is not because I did not honor or respect him. I understand that respecting my parents is not the same as obeying them always.


Nigeria is indeed a country that provides you with every reason to remain mediocre and fail for the rest of your life; nothing seems to be working and the government does not care a hoot about you, but the bad situation of the country has caused lesser failure among youths than unbridled parental influence sometimes based on the above-mentioned verse of the Bible and at other times certain cultural beliefs.


Parental support is good, but it is bad if it will derail you from becoming what you are destined to be. This is why you have been advised to DISOBEY YOUR PARENTS IN THE LORD. Note that you are not told to disobey your parents all the time. The clause is simple – “IN THE LORD.”


Disobeying your parents in the Lord means that you have to do what God has sent you to the world to do against your parents’ wishes and instructions. This was why I disobeyed my father. He wanted me to do what seemed the best to him as a father, but God’s plan for my life went against that exact thing so I DISOBEYED HIM IN THE LORD.


Unlike me, many young people allow their parents to control their lives because they fail TRUE FUCKERS CODES 1 & 2, through which they can understand the will of God for their lives. Such people are not justified to disobey their parents because they are not in the lord (according to the will of God for them).


Before you can disobey your parents as I did and was right to do, you must know God’s will for your life, otherwise, you must follow your parents’ instructions. This may answer the question as to why too many people never leave their parents’ shadows. Their lives are the ideas of their parents; they never discovered that there is a will of God for them that may negate what their parents want them to do.


If you want to learn more about how to disobey your parents without disrespecting them or sinning, then you need to read my collection of TRUE FUCKERS CODES. One of the codes in the collection of books titled MOTHERFUCKERS CODES & FATHERFUCKERS CODES for men and women respectively is for you to disobey your parents in the Lord. You must learn this if you want to live and not merely exist.


You can buy the books by clicking on the links below.


Motherfuckers Codes


Fatherfuckers Codes


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