If no one has come across you as an arrogant person, it is most likely that you have not discovered and begun to stabilize the uniqueness of your personality. That may sound rather controversial, but it is a fact. One of the blessings of self-discovery and development is that it helps you to understand the uniqueness of your personality and hold them to high esteem.

When I began my journey of self-discovery, a lot of people came across me as a very arrogant person; a lot of ignorant persons still do. The reason is not farfetched; I have discovered the uniqueness of my personality and proceeded to stabilize them against what anyone has to say. During these years, one of the things I learned was what I called “Abuse of Humility” in my book “The Image of God.”

The entire world knows that arrogance leads to people’s downfall, but it seems no one understands that abuse of humility reduces people to mediocre and prevents them from rising to the top. With this ignorance in place, it was no surprise therefore that a lot of folks come across me as an arrogant person, in fact, the only person that knew I was not arrogant was me.

I do not agree with what people call humility and live by; to me, they were self-limiting and I was not ready to subscribe to them. What people mistake for arrogance is a part of me; one that I cherish so much, it is the root of the uniqueness of my personality, but many people think it is a weakness. It is no surprise therefore that my favorite footballer is Zlatan Ibrahimović of Sweden, who now plays for AC Milan.

Zlatan is a footballer with what people confuse for an outrageous personality. He is one man that works so hard to get where he is, but what works for him most is what ignorant people refer to as arrogance – knowing the worth of his values and stabilizing them. This makes him different from all other footballers and earns him respect anywhere he goes, even though he has never been recognized as the world’s best footballer. It is always hard to look past him.

Zlatan understands he has values and damns every other thing to take pride in them. It was because of this that he refused to play for Arsenal; they decided to put him on trial instead of signing him outright. Despite Arsenal was his favorite team then, he preferred to go to Ajax where his values are recognized and respected. It was because of this that AC Milan signed him at age 38 while other more talented players could not get top clubs to sign them at that age and pay them the amount they desire to earn.

Zlatan is a different kind of footballer; his self-belief has worked more wonders for him than his football talents itself has done. He understands that for people to respect him for the values he offers, he must and take pride in them. Underestimate his values and you will see the Beast in him.

The reason why most people disrespect you, no matter how useful you think you are to them is either because you do not know you have some values or you have values that you do not hold to high esteem and defend. Some are so poor that you think without money you have no values, thus you accept whatever people offer you and hope to stop them when you have money.

For people to respect your values and what you offer, you need to identify your core values and take pride in them. However, any of the brands of inordinate self-esteem will ruin your chances of greatness, no matter how much value you carry. Also, make sure that what you call values are not personality weaknesses that you are unwilling to work on. How do you know this? Seek a form of education that will help you to discover and manage the uniqueness of your personality.

If you are interested in this form of education; Science of Discovery and Management of Personality (SODAMOP) is a course you should take part in. Science of Discovery And Management of Personality (SODAMOP) is the second of and one of the eight courses in Science of Self-discovery and Development (SOSAD). It is designed to help people to discover and understand their individual uniqueness, which is inseparably attached to their different personalities. It focuses on discovering and nurturing the beauty of each individual without comparisons to others.

Registration is now on for BATTALION 1 and ends on Saturday, February 22, 2020.
If you wish to join BATTALION 1, kindly send an email to souloflifeenterprise@gmail.com or call Mr. Stephen on +2348163800077.

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