BOOK ALERT: IDENTIFYING AND OVERCOMING THE FRIENDLY FOE (Shattering the strategies of the subtle killer)

“Identifying And Overcoming the Friendly Foe” is a book written to help people identify and overcome a common enemy of almost everyone now living, who is very difficult to detect, because he acts as best friend.
This book is a necessity, especially for everyone with a good heart, and those that trust easily.

No part of this book is a fiction; it is a book drafted from life experiences of the author and that of many others, who have come in touch with this foe.
It is quite easy to pick out an enemy that appears as enemy, but identifying an enemy that outwardly acts as your best friend is one of the most difficult tasks on earth

In fact, this friendly foe gives his victims advice which will subsequently lead to their ruins, but he’s so smart that he’s hardly ever suspected.
He may constantly gift you things you feel you can’t possibly get without his help, but these things will eventually lead to your ruin.
Moreover, he will lead you to an end which is worse than physical death: the state at which you will never achieve your purpose in life.

Being once a victim of this sort of enemy, the author proffered the best solutions needed to identify and get rid of him.
He discovered that he comes in seven forms, and provided the strategies with which he can be identified and overcome.

He attributes widespread corruption in politics, manipulation in religion, relationship difficulties, and other forms of wicked vises that now dominate the world to him.
He predicted that in the nearest future, he will induce more women to kill their husbands than it has ever happened in the past.

The author stated and with proofs too, how this foe induces a lot of people to indulge in drug abuse, sex abuse, alcohol abuse, prostitution, pornography, homicide, murderer and the likes, hereby leading them to their untimely death or making a mess of their lives

According to him, this enemy reduces people to followers, hereby causing a universal shortage of leaders in the world today.
He induces wives never to submit to their husbands or even respect men, while he tell husbands to treat them as just some useful tools in return, hereby creating unhealthy rivalry in the family and relationships.

Surely, everyone will like to identify this sort of enemy overcome him.
The strategies to help achieve this end are the strategies contained in the above mentioned book, which is subtitled as: shattering the strategies of a subtle killer. The name of the enemy is given in that book.

It was written by Soul’e Rhymez, a Nigerian author, regarded as one of the world’s finest writers and philosophers.
It was published on Okadabooks and Amazon by Wednesday August 15, 2018.

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