Interfaith marriage: marrying from another religion has become a trendy thing, but not without its share of controversies. We have people who succeed in it as much as we have failures too. However, the perceived higher percentage of failure has left a lot of youths indecisive as regard marrying or even dating someone who doesn’t practice their religion.

When this topic was brought forth as a topic of discussion on SRAF group, in what was their first discussion of the year, different people from different parts of the country offered their opinions on the topic.

Judith from Lagos, who had the first opinion of the day, has this to say: “interfaith marriage is it doesn't bring peace in the family; everyone will have different beliefs and opinions. And each person wants his or her opinion or believes to dominate. In this case, we find the family tearing apart, and in some cases the husband cooks differently, and the wife differently, the children divided and not having a stand. A house that's supposed to be one turns into a war zone, because they have different belief system.

Joshua from Okene, Kogi State supported Judith saying: “just as water and oil are two immiscible liquids, so is an interfaith union.” Joshua who also related a friend’s experience stressed further saying “When the issue of which religion the progenies should practice comes up, it tears the home apart, if sibling A practices a religion X, and sibling B practices a religion Y, the closeness of this children will be morbidly dampened, and that's bad for any family.”

Adeyemo Timilehin John minced no word in stating that “it causes commotion”. He was also smart enough to quote Amos 3: 3 from the Bible, which states thus: “can two walk together lest they agree?” this rhetorical question supports his claim that interfaith marriage is not the best.
“Where there is no unity, war is real and sure. And this will also affect their so-called children, because different ideas of who God is will be on their mind.” concluded, an eloquent Timilehin.

Adenle Oluwaseun Ayotunde, a student from Ondo state, who seemed to be speaking from a patriarch point of view stated thus:
 “It should have pave way for religious tolerance, insight into other people’s religion and accepting people for who they are.
The opposite is actually the case in Nigeria as cases of interfaith marriage has created lifelong enemies and created gaps amidst family members.
Fathers have disowned children and children are ready to go extra mile to get their wishes done.
Since most religion, though have few similarities still operate a parallel line that will not meet.
Such marriages will actually hinder a party in the relationship from exercising full religious tenets without infringing the other party.”

However, some of the audience believes interfaith marriage has as many advantages as its disadvantages.

According to Edema DavidPed, a teacher and education consultant from Idiroko Ogun State, “interfaith gives experience and exposure to each spouse as they will know what the spouse religion entails; It brings peace and reduce political intolerance amidst religious folks.”
Contrary to Timilehin’s view that it causes disunity, David stated: “when two people of different Religion beliefs come together it tends to draw the family members together.”

Olawale Bamisile from Beinin City, Edo State believes interfaith marriage promotes homogeneous religious society, the outspoken Benin resident has this to say: “It promotes a harmonious religious society. In an environment of interfaith marriage, religious crisis is almost obsolete or reduce to the barest minimum.”
He also stated how it makes people examine their spiritual lives, according to him: “They examine their spiritual beliefs in ways that same-faith couples do not. This is especially true for couples who strongly identify with their faith traditions.
Lastly, the well informed man stated its significance to seeing the beauty of nature, he said: “Interfaith couples open each other's eyes to the beauty, similarities and differences of their respective traditions”.

Williams Abigeal Akorede, who contributed all the way from Egypt shared her perspective, both on the positive and the negative effects, talking about the negative effects she said: “interfaith does not bring harmony in the house, nothing like love will rain in such house, they we live their life negatively to the will of God.
Such house will turn to battle field; because of misunderstanding in this case they can never excel in such family.
On the positive effect, she said: “both the two side will know who and how to relate with people.”

These are just the opinions of people, whether from experiences or from hearsays, at the end of the day, it all comes down to knowing how to make the right choice for you.
Talking about marriage, what works for you might not work for me and it is best you understand what works for you and stick to it.

Soul’e Rhymez

Soul’e Rhymez

Chukwuma Blessing, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Mahmud Sufiyan, Lagos State, Nigeria.

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